AVS 52nd International Symposium
    Nanometer-Scale Science and Technology Tuesday Sessions

Session NS-TuP
Nanometer Scale Science and Technology Poster Session

Tuesday, November 1, 2005, 4:00 pm, Room Exhibit Hall C&D

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Click a paper to see the details. Presenters are shown in bold type.

Free-standing Nanosheets from Cross-Linked Biphenyl Self-Assembled Monolayers
W. Eck, Universtät Heidelberg, Germany, A. Küller, M. Grunze, Universität Heidelberg, Germany, B. Völkel, A. Gölzhäuser, Universität Bielefeld, Germany
Pulse Thermal Processing of FePt Thin Films
A.C. Cole, G.B. Thompson, University of Alabama, R.D. Ott, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, J.W. Harrell, The University of Alabama
Etch of Sub-Micron High Aspect Ratio Holes in a Bilayer of SU-8/PMMA Resist Stack for Photonic Crystal Devices
J.H. Sung, K.J. Lim, B.H. O, Inha University, Korea, Y.H. Choe, LG Electronics Institute of Technology, Korea
An Innovative Approach to Nanoscale Device Fabrication
E.A. Akhadov, A.H. Mueller, M.A. Hoffbauer, Los Alamos National Laboratory
Compositional and Structural Characterization of Tungsten Nanostructures Produced by Electron Beam-Induced Deposition
K.L. Klein, University of Tennesse & ORNL, S.J. Randolph, P.D. Rack, University of Tennessee, M.L. Simpson, University of Tennessee & ORNL
Formation of Nanometer-scale Structures Based on a Plasma Ashing and Lift-off Technique
G.-S. Kim, Y.-H. Roh, Sungkyunkwan University, Korea
Si Nanoclusters Embedded in SiO@sub 2@ Layers Produced by Reactive RF Sputtering
E. Sanchez-Meza, ESFM-IPN, Mexico, A. Garcia-Sotelo, M. Melendez-Lira, A. Mendoza-Galvan, S. Jimenez-Sandoval, Cinvestav-IPN, Mexico
Recent Lithography Results from the Digital E-beam Array Lithography (DEAL) Concept
W.L. Gardner, L.R. Baylor, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, X. Yang, University of Tennessee, R.J. Kasica, D.K. Hensley, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, S.J. Randolph, R.B. Rucker, D.C. Joy, P.D. Rack, S. Islam, B. Blalock, University of Tennessee
Characteristic of Carbon Nanotubes Synthesized by Pin-to-Plate Type Atmospheric Pressure Plasma Enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposition at Low Temperature
S.-J. Kyung, J.H. Lee, C.-W. Kim, M. Voronko, G.Y. Yeom, Sungkyunkwan University, Korea
A Method of Coating and Implanting Carbon Nanotube with Iron Nanoparticles by Inductively Coupled Plasma
J.S. Kim, G.H. Kim, C.I. Kim, O.J. Yoon, J.K. Jung, Chungang University, Korea
Carbon Nanotube Copolypeptide Bionanocomposites
C. Lovell, University of Virginia, E. Worthington, University of California, Santa Barbara, T.J. Deming, University of California, Los Angeles, G.D. Stucky, University of California, Santa Barbara, J. Kang, K.E. Wise, National Institute of Aerospace, J.S. Harrison, NASA Langley Research Center, J.M. Fitz-Gerald, University of Virginia, C. Park, National Institute of Aerospace
Double-walled Carbon Nanotubes Grown on Co Tip Catalysts by Chemical Vapor Deposition
C.-M. Yeh, C.-J. Huang, M.-Y. Chen, J.C. Hwang, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan, R. O. C.
Oxide Electrolyte Nanostructures for Low Temperature SOFC Operation
S. Thevuthasan, L. Saraf, V. Shutthanandan, O.A. Marina, C.M. Wang, S. Azad, Y. Zhang, A. El-Azab, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Hydrogen Effects on the Field Emission of Carbon Nanostructures
P. Miraldo, R.A. Outlaw, X. Zhao, J.J. Wang, B.C. Holloway, College of William & Mary
Fabrication of Three-Dimensional Nanostructures with a Resolution of 10 nm and Selective Attachment of Biological Molecules using Scanning Near-field Photolithography
R.E. Ducker, M. Montague, G.J. Leggett, University of Sheffield, UK
Metal Nanostructure Growth on Molecular Buffer Layers of CO@sub 2@
P.S. Waggoner, J.S. Palmer, V.N. Antonov, J.H. Weaver, UIUC
Synthesis of Aligned Carbon Nanotubes by CVD Using Ball-Shaped Microwave Plasma
Y. Oshiro, S. Nishino, Y. Hayashi, Kyoto Institute of Technology, Japan
Arrayed Bundles of Carbon Nanotubes for High-Intensity Field Emission: Parametric Studies of Growth and Field Emission
M.J. Bronikowski, H.M. Manohara, B.D. Hunt, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology
Suspended Carbon Nanotube Electro-Mechanical Tunneling Switch for Wireless Communication
Y. Song, J. Choi, Wayne State University
Experimental Evidence of p-type Doping for Long Channel Carbon Nanotube Transistor
D. Kang, Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology, Korea, N. Park, Dankook University, Korea, B. Kim, J. Kim, Chonbuk National University, Korea, W. Park, Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology, Korea
Electrical Properties of a Silicon Nanocrystal Embedded in a SiO2 Layer
J.M. Son, J.M. Kim, S.Y. Seong, Myongji University, Korea, Y. Khang, B.K. Kim, K.S. Seol, E.H. Lee, J. Lee, Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology, Korea, Y.S. Kim, C.J. Kang, Myongji University, Korea
Synthesis of Carbon Nanofibers on TiW Substrates and Their Field Emission Properties
K. Hou, J.J. Wang, P. Miraldo, R.A. Outlaw, B.C. Holloway, College of William and Mary
Temperature-induced Control of the Aspect Ratio of Gold Nanorods
H.J. Park, C.S. Ah, Korea Research Institute of Standards and Science, K.-P. Lee, Kyungpook National University, Korea, I.S. Choi, KAIST, Korea, W.S. Yun, Korea Research Institute of Standards and Science
Controlled Gold Nanowires using 2-Aminoethanthiol Capped Gold Nanoparticles on DNA Molecule as Template
H. Kim, B. Hong, Y.-H. Roh, Sungkyunkwan University, Korea
Synthesis and Characterization of SiC Nanowires and SiC/ZnO Hetero-Nanostructure Grown by Direct Heating Method
Y. Ryu, Y. Tak, K. Yong, POSTECH, Korea
Formation of Ge Nanocrystals in Hf based High-K Dielectrics for Nonvolatile Flash Memory Device Application
J. Chen, National University of Singapore, A.-Y. Du, Institute of Microelectronics, Singapore, W.J. Yoo, D.S.H. Chan, National University of Singapore
Electrical Characteristics of DNA-Nanoparticle Networks using Scanning Probe Microscopy
N.J. Lee, Y.J. Kim, J.S. Kim, B.H. Nahm, Myongji University, Japan, D. Jeon, Seoul National University, Korea, Y.S. Kim, C.J. Kang, Myongji University, Korea
Observation of Broad Strong Red Photoluminescence Band in Indium Oxy-nitride Nanoparticles
T.S. Ko, C.P. Chu, W.T. Hsu, H.C. Kuo, S.C. Wang, National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan
Single-Crystal GaN Nanorod Arrays Grown by UHV RF-MOMBE
C.N. Hsiao, C.-C. Kei, National Applied Research Laboratories, Taiwan, C.K. Chao, National Central University, Taiwan, S.-Y. Kuo, National Applied Research Laboratories, Taiwan
ZnXCd1-XSe Ternary Semiconductor Nanoalloys
H. Lee, L. Hardison, H. Yang, V.D. Kleiman, P.H. Holloway, University of Florida
The Dependence of Photoluminescence Characteristics of In2O3 Nanowires on the Zn Doping Level
C.L. Hsin, J.H. He, L.J. Chen, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan, R.O.C.
Synthesis of One-dimensional Well-aligned ZnO Nanorods on Patterned Structures
C.W. Wang, J.H. He, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan, ROC, L.J. Chen, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan, ROC., G.C. Wu, C.T. Chia, National Taiwan Normal University, Taiwan, ROC
Amorphous Nanotubes by Self-Assembly of Amphiphilic Bi(hexadecylamine) Zinc Sulfato Complex with Size Tunability
G.W. Huang, J.H. Wang, H.C. Chen, L.J. Chen, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan, Republic of China
Formation of Ordered Nanodots with Si-Ge Superlattices by One Step Etching Process
H.C. Chen, S.W. Lee, L.J. Chen, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan, Republic of China
Synthesis of Au Nanotubes with SiO@sub x@ Nanowires as Sacrificial Templates
M.Y. Lu, Y.C. Chang, L.J. Chen, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan, ROC
Orientation Controlled Growth of Epitaxial SiNWs Networks in Ar Ambient
H.W. Wu, H.C. Chen, L.J. Chen, C.J. Tsai, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan, ROC
QCM Studies of the Slippage of Solid and Liquid Krypton Monolayers on Metal(111) and C60 Surfaces
T. Coffey, J. Krim, North Carolina State University
Nanotribological Effects of Silicone Type and Deposition Level and Surfactant Type on Human Hair using Atomic Force Microscopy
C.A. LaTorre, B. Bhushan, The Ohio State University
Morphological, Nanomechanical and Cellular Structural Characterization of Human Hair and Conditioner Distribution Using Torsional Resonance Mode with an AFM
B. Bhushan, N. Chen, The Ohio State University
Atomic-scale Studies of Friction and Nano-Indentation
T. Filleter, S. Maier, R. Bennewitz, McGill University, Canada, E. Meyer, University of Basel, Switzerland