AVS 52nd International Symposium
    Plasma Science and Technology Monday Sessions

Session PS2-MoA
Silicon Etching

Monday, October 31, 2005, 2:00 pm, Room 304
Moderator: D. Leonhardt, US Naval Research Laboratory

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Click a paper to see the details. Presenters are shown in bold type.

2:00pm PS2-MoA1
Advanced Gate Stack Etch Modeling for 65 nm Node
P.J. Stout, M. Shroff, T. Stephens, J.E. Vasek, O.O. Adetutu, S. Rauf, P. Ventzek, Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
2:20pm PS2-MoA2
Investigation of Gate Oxide Behavior during Highly Selective Poly-Si Gate Etching for Triple Gate Transistors
D. Kim, H.S. Lee, S.J. Park, Y.J. Jee, K.K. Chi, C.J. Kang, H.K. Cho, J.T. Moon, Samsung Electronics, South Korea
2:40pm PS2-MoA3 Invited Paper
Silicon Etching Beyond the 90nm Technology Node: the Need for Total Parameter Flexibility
A.M. Paterson, T. Panagopoulos, T.J. Kropewnicki, V. Todorow, A. Matyushkin, B. Hatcher, S. Pamarthy, N. Gani, A. Khan, S. Deshmukh, M. Shen, T. Lill, J.P. Holland, Applied Materials
3:20pm PS2-MoA5
Silicon Gate Etching using Amorphous Carbon Hard Mask
F. Lazzarino, CNRS/LTM, France, P. Gouraud, STMicroelectronics, France, T. Chevolleau, B. Pelissier, G. Cunge, L. Vallier, O. Joubert, CNRS/LTM, France, T. Lill, Applied Materials
3:40pm PS2-MoA6
Atomic Scale Etching of Poly-Si in Inductively Coupled Ar and He Plasmas
J.-H. Min, S.H. Moon, Seoul National University, Korea, Y.W. Kim, FOI Korea Corporation, Korea, C.B. Shin, C.-K. Kim, Ajou University, Korea
4:00pm PS2-MoA7
Spectroscopic and Real-Time Study of Ar@sup +@ and XeF@sub 2@ Etching of Si(100) by Second Harmonic Generation
A.A.E. Stevens, P.M. Gevers, J.J.H. Gielis, M.C.M. Van De Sanden, W.M.M. Kessels, H.C.W. Beijerinck, Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands
4:20pm PS2-MoA8
Optimization of Cryogenic Processes with Plasma Diagnostics
T. Tillocher, R. Dussart, X. Mellhaoui, P. Lefaucheux, N. Mekkakia Maaza, GREMI - Université d'Orléans, France, M. Boufnichel, ST Microlectronics, L.J. Overzet, University of Texas at Dallas, P. Ranson, GREMI - Université d'Orléans, France
4:40pm PS2-MoA9
The Role of the Reaction Products in the Silicon Etching Cryogenic Process
R. Dussart, X. Mellhaoui, GREMI - Universit@aa e@ d'Orleans, France, T. Tillocher, GREMI, France, P. Lefaucheux, N. Mekkakia Maaza, GREMI - Universit@aa e@ d'Orleans, France, M. Boufnichel, ST Microelectronics, France, L.J. Overzet, Univ. of Texas at Dallas, P. Ranson, GREMI - Universit@aa e@ d'Orleans, France
5:00pm PS2-MoA10
The Characterization of Silicon Trench Etching in a High Density Reactor Using Self-Excited Electron Resonance Spectroscopy (SEERS)
F.C. Session, Fairchid Semiconductor