AVS 57th International Symposium & Exhibition | |
MEMS and NEMS | Friday Sessions |
Click a paper to see the details. Presenters are shown in bold type.
8:20am | MN-FrM1 Invited Paper Wafer-scale Processing of Diamond Thin Films for MEMS and NEMS J.A. Carlisle, Advanced Diamond Technologies |
9:00am | MN-FrM3 CMOS Integrated Ultrananocrystalline Diamond Capacitive RF-MEMS Switches S. Balachandran, A.V. Sumant, O.H. Auciello, Argonne National Laboratory, S. O'Brien, C.L. Goldsmith, Memtronics Corporation, J.A. Carlisle, Advanced Diamond Technologies, C. Gudeman, S. Sampath, Innovative Micro Technology |
9:20am | MN-FrM4 Mechanical Stiffness and Dissipation in Ultrananocrystalline Diamond Resonators V.P. Adiga, University of Pennsylvania, S. Suresh, A. Datta, Innovative Micro Technology, J.A. Carlisle, Advanced Diamond Technologies, A.V. Sumant, Argonne National Laboratory, R.W. Carpick, University of Pennsylvania |
9:40am | MN-FrM5 Theoretical and Experimental Investigation of Optically Driven Nanoelectromechanical Oscillators R.B. Ilic, Cornell University, S.L. Krylov, Tel Aviv University, Israel, H.G. Craighead, Cornell University |
10:00am | MN-FrM6 Nanotribological Studies of Adaptive Optics Sliding Components in Microprojectors B. Bhushan, H. Lee, The Ohio State University, S. Chaparala, V. Bhatia, Corning Incorporated |
10:20am | MN-FrM7 Nonlinear Fracture Mechanics Model for Mode I & Mode II Stiction Failure A. Mousavi, Z.C. Leseman, University of New Mexico |
10:40am | MN-FrM8 Novel NEMS Gas Detectors for Micro Gas Chromatograph C.-H. Chen, C.-J. Hsieh, H.-K. Lin, T.-S. Lee, P.-H. Chen, C.-H. Chou, National Taiwan University, Republic of China, C.-J. Lu, National Taiwan Normal University, Republic of China, W.-C. Tian, National Taiwan University, Republic of China |
11:00am | MN-FrM9 On the Impact of Relative Humidity and Environment Gases on Dielectric Charging Process in Capacitive RF MEMS Switches Based on Kelvin Probe Force Microscopy U. Zaghloul, B. Bhushan, The Ohio State University, P. Pons, LAAS-CNRS, France, G.J. Papaioannou, Universite de Toulouse, France, F. Coocetti, R. Plana, LAAS-CNRS, France |
11:20am | MN-FrM10 Feature Size Etch Rate Dependence in Bosch Process Deep Silicon Etching Due to Local Thermal Loading R. Kurkul, R. Gulotty, B. VanderElzen, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor |