AVS 57th International Symposium & Exhibition | |
MEMS and NEMS | Friday Sessions |
Session MN-FrM |
Session: | Characterization for MEMS and NEMS |
Presenter: | S. Balachandran, Argonne National Laboratory |
Authors: | S. Balachandran, Argonne National Laboratory A.V. Sumant, Argonne National Laboratory O.H. Auciello, Argonne National Laboratory S. O'Brien, Memtronics Corporation C.L. Goldsmith, Memtronics Corporation J.A. Carlisle, Advanced Diamond Technologies C. Gudeman, Innovative Micro Technology S. Sampath, Innovative Micro Technology |
Correspondent: | Click to Email |
RF-MEMS DC contact and capacitive switches are being developed, involving a broad range of designs in series and shunt configurations. The work done until now has facilitated significant maturing of the technology to overcome technical challenges such as reliability, packaging, and high power operation. In particular, the reliability of RF-MEMS capacitive switches has been limited mainly by the electrical charging of the oxide or nitride dielectric layers used until now, which exhibit discharging times in the hundred of seconds range, resulting in failure of the switches. Therefore, it is critical to develop dielectric layers with fast charging/discharging performance. In this respect, the novel ultrananocrystalline diamond (UNCD) films developed and patented at Argonne National Laboratory exhibit a unique fast charging (50-100 µsec)/discharging (≤ 100 µsec) behavior, which provides the reliability required by RF-MEMS switches. The charges are transported through a large network of grain boundaries, which occupy a large percentage of the total area of the films, characterized by a nanostructure formed by 2-5 nm grains with ~ 0.5 nm wide grain boundaries.
This paper focuses on a description of materials, materials integration strategies, device architecture and performance of prototype monolithically integrated RF-MEMS mm-wave shunt capacitive switches/CMOS devices in coplanar waveguides, using UNCD as the dielectric layer. The RF-UNCD MEMS switches are based on a MEMtronics, Inc. switch design, fabricated on sapphire wafers with high-voltage CMOS devices, provided by Peregrine Semiconductor, using standard lithography and surface micromachining techniques. Small signal measurements were performed in the frequency range of 1-20 GHz. Measurements of the UNCD dielectric layer charging and discharging were performed using both MEMS and metal-insulator-metal (MIM) capacitor device configurations, using standard I-V and C-V techniques. The charging and discharging time constants for RF-MEMS switches with UNCD dielectric were 5-6 orders of magnitude faster (≤ 100 µsec) than the discharging times (100s of seconds) exhibited by conventional oxide or nitride dielectric materials. Although static power consumption is an issue with UNCD-based capacitors, they can be used in applications, which demand little to no degradation in performance and allow microwatts of power consumption.
This work was mainly supported by DARPA, under contract MIPR 06-W238. Use of the Center for Nanoscale Materials was supported by the U. S. Department of Energy, Office of Science, Office of Basic Energy Sciences, under Contract No. DE-AC02-06CH11357.