The key to enabling wafer-scale processing of thin film diamond are the specifications that the technology can meet on commercially relevant wafer sizes. Due to advances in reaction design and deposition chemistry, a variety of diamond materials can now be deposited onto wafers up to 300 mm in size, with excellent thickness and property uniformity, enabling high-yield production of microdevices. In this presentation advances made over the past several years to enable thin, smooth diamond films for MEMS will be reviewed with emphasis on materials and microfabrication strategies needed to integrate diamond with other materials for MEMS devices. UNCD® (ultrananocrystalline diamond) spans a family of thin smooth diamond materials. UNCD wafers serve to demonstrate the availability of the technology and to allow designers to integrate diamond into new process flows. NaDiaProbes®, which are all-diamond AFM probes used for metrology and nano-manufacturing, are the first example of a commercially available diamond MEMS device that leverages wafer-scale processing of UNCD wafers using established microfabrication techniques. How ADT looks at wafer-scale production of UNCD-based MEMS devices going forward as well as our technology roadmap for UNCD-enabled products under development will be presented. Particular emphasis will be placed on the development of UNCD coatings and MEMS devices for RF devices, nanomanufacturing, and chem/bio-sensing related applications.