Room |
WeM Wednesday, 11/2/11, 8:00am |
WeL Wednesday, 11/2/11, 12:00pm |
WeA Wednesday, 11/2/11, 2:00pm |
102 |
AS+BI+NS-WeM Advances in Scanning Probe Microscopy |
AS-WeA Correlative Analysis - A Multi-technique Approach for Identification and Structure-Property Relationships |
103 |
EN+EM+NS-WeM Quantum Dot and Nanowire Solar Cells |
EN1+TF-WeA Thin Film Chalcogenide Solar Cells (CIGS, CZTS, CdTe and Related Materials) |
104 |
SE+SS-WeM Surface Engineering for Thermal Management |
SE+PS-WeA Atmospheric Pressure Plasmas |
105 |
MI-WeM Fundamental Problems in Magnetism |
MI-WeA Spintronics, Magnetoelectronics, Multiferroics, and Dilute Magnetic Semiconductor Applications |
106 |
HI+AS+BI+NS-WeM Nano- and Bio- Imaging with Helium Ion Microscopy |
EN2+TF-WeA Thin Films for Solar Fuels |
107 |
SS1-WeM Atomistic Control of Structure & Evolution |
SS-WeA Adsorption & Reactions on Oxide Surfaces |
108 |
BI-WeM Cells at Interfaces |
BI+AS+NS+SS-WeA Functionalization and Characterization of Nanostructures |
109 |
SS2-WeM Chemisorption on Metal & Oxide Nanoparticles |
TF1+EM-WeA Nonvolatile Memory |
110 |
TF1+EM-WeM ALD/MLD: Hybrid Organic Films |
TF2+EM-WeA Nanostructuring Thin Films |
111 |
NM+AS+MS-WeM Nanomanufacturing Issues: Metrology and Environmental Concerns |
TR-WeA Emerging Interfaces of Tribological Importance |
201 |
PS+SE-WeM Atmospheric Plasma Processing and Micro Plasmas |
PS-WeA Plasma Sources |
202 |
PS+SS-WeM Plasma Surface Interactions (Fundamentals & Applications) I |
PS+EM-WeA Low-K Materials & Integration |
203 |
NS-WeM Carbon-Based Nanomaterials |
207 |
NT+AS+MI-WeM Applications of Neutron Scattering I |
NT+AS-WeA Applications of Neutron Scattering II |
208 |
GR+MN-WeM Graphene: Mechanical and Thermal Properties, Graphene MEMS and NEMS |
GR-WeA Graphene Characterization including Microscopy and Spectroscopy |
209 |
EN+NS-WeM Organic Photovoltaics |
AC+MI-WeA Magnetic and Electron Correlation Effects in Actinides and Rare Earths |
210 |
EM-WeM Low-k Materials and Devices |
EM-WeA Defects in Electronic Materials |
West Exhibit Hall |
EW-WeM Exhibitor Technology Spotlight |
EW-WeL Exhibitor Technology Spotlight |