AVS 57th International Symposium & Exhibition | |
Plasma Science and Technology | Thursday Sessions |
Click a paper to see the details. Presenters are shown in bold type.
PS-ThP1 Transition in Intensities of the Forbidden Atomic Oxygen Spectral Lines and its Application to Plasma Monitoring V. Milosavljevic, Dublin City University, Ireland & University of Belgrade, Serbia, A. Jasenko, Faculty of Pharmacy, Serbia, Z. Simic, L.C. Popovic, Astronomical Observatory, Serbia |
PS-ThP2 Optical Emission and Mass Spectrometric Characterization of a Dual Plasma PE-CVD System Z. Chen, V.M. Donnelly, D.J. Economou, University of Houston |
PS-ThP3 Diagnosis of Gold Nanoparticle Synthesis in Solution Plasma by Coherent Anti-Stokes Raman Spectroscopy D. Fujimoto, J. Hieda, M.A. Bratescu, O. Takai, N. Saito, Nagoya University, Japan |
PS-ThP4 Characterization of a Faraday-shielded Inductively Coupled Plasma using Langmuir Probe and Optical Emission Spectroscopy W. Zhu, H. Shin, L. Xu, V.M. Donnelly, D.J. Economou, University of Houston |
PS-ThP5 Diagnostic of Laser Ablation Air Plasma using Wide Field Spectroscopy N. Abundiz, UNAM-CICESE, Mexico, C. Velez, UABC, Mexico, E. Luna, S. Zazueta, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, R. Machorro, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico |
PS-ThP6 In-situ Monitoring of Organic Pollutants Degradation in Pulsed Plasma by Coherent Anti-Stokes Raman Spectroscopy M.A. Bratescu, N. Saito, O. Takai, Nagoya University, Japan |
PS-ThP7 Study of Plasma-based Ion Implantation Sterilization using High Resolution Rutherford Back Scattering T. Tanaka, T. Hironaka, Hiroshima Institute of Technology, Japan, S. Hayashi, Japan Medical Creative, Japan, I. Koyama, Saitama Medical University, Japan |
PS-ThP8 A Novel Current-Voltage Probe for Diagnostics in Deposition Plasma M.B. Hopkins, D.M. O'Sullivan, Impedans Ltd., Ireland |
PS-ThP9 Hardness and Roughness of SiCN Thin Films Deposited at 500 °C by RF-PECVD T. Wydeven, T. Kawabe, SAMCO International, Inc. |
PS-ThP10 The Role of Negative Oxygen Ions in the Pulsed-Plasma Deposition of Titania Films J.W. Bradley, R. Dodd, S.D. You, University of Liverpool, UK |
PS-ThP11 Investigation of the Plasma Parameters and Plasma Process-Induced Damage in Physical Vapor Deposition X. Tang, T.-J. Gung, S. Gandikota, P. Gopalraja, R. Wang, G. Liu, Applied Materials Inc. |
PS-ThP12 Realization of Silicon Antireflection Subwavelength Structure using Simple One Step Plasma Fabrication Process B.S. Kim, J.H. Sung, M.W. Lee, C.H. Choi, H.D. Yim, S.G. Park, S.G. Lee, E.H. Lee, B.H. O, INHA University, Republic of Korea |
PS-ThP13 Synthesis of Zinc Oxide Nanoparticles Using an Atmospheric Pressure Plasma Jet S.M. Chang, C.C. Hsu, National Taiwan University, Taiwan, Republic of China |
PS-ThP14 Studies of Interactions between the Plasma in Salt Solutions and Organic Compounds S.H. Wang, H.W. Chang, C.C. Hsu, National Taiwan University, Taiwan, Republic of China |
PS-ThP15 The Optical Diagnostics of Microplasmas in Different Types of Electrolyte Solutions A.H. Hsieh, C.C. Hsu, National Taiwan University, Taiwan, Republic of China |
PS-ThP16 Polyimide Surface Treatment by Using Atmospheric Pressure Plasma to Improve Metal Adhesion J.B. Park, J.S. Oh, E.L. Gil, G.Y. Yeom, Sungkyunkwan University, Republic of Korea |
PS-ThP17 Atmospheric Pressure Plasma Ashing of Photoresist using Remote-type Pin-To-Plate Dielectric Barrier Discharge J.S. Oh, J.B. Park, E.L. Gil, G.Y. Yeom, Sungkyunkwan University, Republic of Korea |
PS-ThP18 SiOx Thin Films Deposition by using a Modified Pin-To-Plate Dielectric Barrier Discharge Source in Atmospheric Pressure E.L. Gil, J.B. Park, J.S. Oh, G.Y. Yeom, Sungkyunkwan University, Republic of Korea |
PS-ThP19 Studies of the Metal Electrode Erosion by Microplasmas in Saline Solution C.Y. Sie, C.L. Chen, C.C. Hsu, National Taiwan University, Taiwan, Republic of China |
PS-ThP20 Formation of Size Regulated Platinum Nanoparticles Synthesized by Solution Plasma Process T. Ishizaki, AIST, Japan, N. Saito, O. Takai, Nagoya University, Japan |
PS-ThP21 Effects of Dirty Walls on the Plasma Potential of a Multi-Dipole Chamber J.P. Sheehan, N. Hershkowitz, University of Wisconsin-Madison |
PS-ThP22 New Solutions for Magnetron Sputtering Technology M. Cichowlas, Huettinger Electronic, Poland, J. Abraham, Huettinger Electronic |