AVS 53rd International Symposium
    Plasma Science and Technology Thursday Sessions

Session PS2-ThA
Plasma Modeling

Thursday, November 16, 2006, 2:00 pm, Room 2011
Moderator: T. Yagisawa, Keio University, Japan

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Click a paper to see the details. Presenters are shown in bold type.

2:00pm PS2-ThA1 Invited Paper
A Generic Framework of Surface Kinetics Modeling for Plasma-Surface Interactions
H.H. Sawin, B. Bai, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
2:40pm PS2-ThA3
Modeling of Roughness Evolution and Instability during Si Plasma Etching
P. Angelikopoulos, V. Constantoudis, G. Kokkoris, G. Mpoulousis, P. Xidi, E. Gogolides, Institute of Microelectronics, NCSR "Demokritos", Greece
3:00pm PS2-ThA4
C@sub 4@F@sub 6@/Ar Plasma Modeling by using Feature Simulation and Elementary Reaction Analysis
Y. Shimogaki, H. Watanabe, The University of Tokyo, Japan, Y. Egashira, Osaka University, Japan, S.-Y. Kang, I. Sawada, Tokyo Electron Limited, Japan
3:20pm PS2-ThA5
Dry Process under Competition Among Charging, Etching, and Deposition
T. Makabe, T. Shimada, T. Yagisawa, Keio University, Japan
3:40pm PS2-ThA6
Edge Effects in Reactive Ion Etching: The Wafer- Focus Ring Gap*
N.Y. Babaeva, M.J. Kushner, Iowa State University
4:00pm PS2-ThA7
Development of High Aspect Ratio, Selective Si Etch Model in CCP Halogen Plasma
D. Fischer, W. Jacobs, A. Kersch, W. Sabisch, Qimonda AG, Munich, Germany, S. Barth, A. Henke, Qimonda AG, Dresden, Germany, J. Sobe, Qimonda AG, Munich, Germany, A. Steinbach, Qimonda AG, Dresden, Germany, S. Wege, Qimonda AG, Munich, Germany, M. Reinicke, Dresden University of Technology, Germany
4:20pm PS2-ThA8
Global Model of a Dual Frequency Capacitive Discharge
P. Levif, P. Chabert, Ecole Polytechnique, France, M.M. Turner, Dublin City University, Ireland
4:40pm PS2-ThA9
Particle-in-Cell Simulation of Beam Extraction Through Grid Holes with Application to Neutral Beam Sources
S.K. Nam, D.J. Economou, V.M. Donnelly, University of Houston