AVS 53rd International Symposium
    MEMS and NEMS Tuesday Sessions

Session MN-TuP
Aspects of MEMS and NEMS Poster Session

Tuesday, November 14, 2006, 6:00 pm, Room 3rd Floor Lobby

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Click a paper to see the details. Presenters are shown in bold type.

Development of Accelerometer Using Multilayered Optical Bandpass Filter
H. Toyota, M. Yaegashi, T. Ono, Hirosaki University, Japan, M. Shimada, Y. Jin, NTT MI Labs, Japan
Mechanical Quality Factor Measurement of Micro Structure According to Vacuum Range and Temperature Variation
J.S. Kim, Korea University, W.B. Kim, K.D. Jung, M.S. Choi, K.W. Nam, I.S. Song, Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology, Korea, B.K. Ju, Korea University
Detection of Stimulated Proteins in KDR/VEGF-A165 System by Microcantilever Sensor
F.S. Fiorilli, R.C. Ricciardi, P.R. Rivolo, M.S. Marasso, B.S. Bianco, Politecnico di Torino, Italy, N.L. Napione, B.F. Bussolino, Universit@aa a@ degli Studi di Torino, Italy
Plasma Polymerised Biomaterial for Micro-Nano Device Bonding at Room Temperature
M. Dhayal, Rajasthan University, India
Bulk Micromachining of High Index Silicon Wafers and Possible Applications in Diffractive Elements
W. Calleja-Arriaga, F.J. De la Hidalga-Wade, C. Reyes-Betanzo, A. Torres-Jacome, C. Zuñiga-Islas, M. Linares-Aranda, P. Rosales-Quintero, INAOE, Mexico
In Situ Characterization of Passivation Layer for Silicon Cryogenic Etching
X. Mellhaoui, C. Duluard, L. Pichon, R. Dussart, P. Ranson, T. Tillocher, P. Lefaucheux, GREMI/CNRS - Université d'Orléans, France
Controlling the Silicon Micro-grass in Fabrication of Deeply Etched Silicon Structures using Adaptive Bosch Process
M.W. Lee, B.S. Kim, J.H. Sung, S.B. Jo, C.H. Choi, E.H. Lee, S.-G. Park, S.G. Lee, B.H. O, INHA University, South Korea
The Adhesion Analysis of Multi Layered Hierarchical Structure of Gecko Feet
T.W. Kim, B. Bhushan, The Ohio State University