AVS 53rd International Symposium
    MEMS and NEMS Monday Sessions

Session MN+BI-MoA
Surface and Interface Science of MEMS and NEMS

Monday, November 13, 2006, 2:00 pm, Room 2007
Moderator: M. Dhayal, National Physical Laboratory, India

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Click a paper to see the details. Presenters are shown in bold type.

2:00pm MN+BI-MoA1 Invited Paper
A New Technique for Studying Nanoscale Friction at Sliding Velocities up to 400 mm/s Using Atomic Force Microscope
B. Bhushan, Z. Tao, The Ohio State University
2:40pm MN+BI-MoA3
Novel and Direct Functionalization of PECVD SiCN for Resonant NEMS Biosensor Applications
L.M. Fischer, National Institute for Nanotechnology, Canada, N. Wilding, University of Alberta, Canada, M. Gel, National Institute for Nanotechnology, Canada, N. Yang, M.T. McDermott, University of Alberta, Canada, S. Evoy, National Institute for Nanotechnology, Canada
3:00pm MN+BI-MoA4
Energy Dissipation in Chemically Functionalized Micromechanical Silicon Resonators
D. Sengupta, A.M. Richter, I.T. Clark, M.A. Hines, Cornell University
3:20pm MN+BI-MoA5
Role of Metal Impurities in Anisotropic Wet Chemical Etching
T. Hynninen, A.S. Foster, Helsinki University of Technology, Finland, M. Gosálvez, H. Tanaka, Nagoya University, Japan, R.M. Nieminen, Helsinki University of Technology, Finland, K. Sato, Nagoya University, Japan
3:40pm MN+BI-MoA6
Interfacial Properties of Polymer Interfaces for BioMEMS/NEMS Applications
M. Palacio, B. Bhushan, N. Ferrell, The Ohio State University
4:00pm MN+BI-MoA7
Nanotribological Characterization of Vapor "Phase Deposited Positively-Charged Self"Assembled Monolayers Deposited on Polydimethylsiloxane for Nanochannel Application
M. Cichomski, B. Bhushan, The Ohio State University
4:40pm MN+BI-MoA9
Micro-Reservoir Arrays for Chemical Delivery
J.J. VanDersarl, N.A. Melosh, Stanford University