AVS 52nd International Symposium
    Nanometer-Scale Science and Technology Wednesday Sessions

Session NS-WeA
Nanopatterning and Manipulation

Wednesday, November 2, 2005, 2:00 pm, Room 210
Moderator: S.W. Pang, University of Michigan

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Click a paper to see the details. Presenters are shown in bold type.

2:00pm NS-WeA1
Molecular Ruler Lithography Process with Sacrificial Multilayer Host Structures Incorporating a Barrier Layer
S. Subramanian, J.M. Catchmark, Pennsylvania State University
2:20pm NS-WeA2
High Electric Field Nanoimprint Lithography of Metal Thin Films
N. Farkas, P. Meduri, E.A. Evans, R.D. Ramsier, The University of Akron, J.A. Dagata, National Institute of Standards and Technology
2:40pm NS-WeA3
Thermolithography for Micro- and Nanofabrication
M.-T. Hung, Y.S. Ju, UCLA
3:00pm NS-WeA4
Direct Deposition of Molecular Electronics Materials using Thermal DPN
P.E. Sheehan, M. Yang, A.R. Laracuente, Naval Research Laboratory, B.A. Nelson, W.P. King, Georgia Tech, L.J. Whitman, Naval Research Laboratory
3:20pm NS-WeA5 Invited Paper
Physical Processes in Atom Manipulation and Creation of Novel Nanostructures of Co and Cu Atoms on Cu(111) Surfaces*
J.A. Stroscio, R.J. Celotta, NIST
4:00pm NS-WeA7
Chemically Engineering the Motion of Individual Molecules on the Si(100)-2x1 Surface: a Scanning Tunneling Microscopy Study
R. Basu, J.D. Tovar, M.C. Hersam, Northwestern University
4:20pm NS-WeA8
Formation of Large-Area Nanostructures on Si and Ge Surfaces during Low-Energy Ion Beam Erosion
B. Ziberi, F. Frost, B. Rauschenbach, Leibniz-Institut für Oberflächenmodifizierung e.V. Leipzig, Germany
4:40pm NS-WeA9
Thermally Assisted Atom Transfer on Surfaces: Between Tunneling and Activated Diffusion
J.W. Gadzuk, NIST
5:00pm NS-WeA10
Patterning of Well-Ordered PZT Nanodot Arrays using Silicon Nitride Shadow Mask
H.-J. Shin, J.H. Choi, H. Yang, Y.D. Park, Y. Kuk, Seoul National University, Korea, C.J. Kang, Myungji University, Korea