AVS 52nd International Symposium
    Nanometer-Scale Science and Technology Wednesday Sessions
       Session NS-WeA

Paper NS-WeA2
High Electric Field Nanoimprint Lithography of Metal Thin Films

Wednesday, November 2, 2005, 2:20 pm, Room 210

Session: Nanopatterning and Manipulation
Presenter: N. Farkas, The University of Akron
Authors: N. Farkas, The University of Akron
P. Meduri, The University of Akron
E.A. Evans, The University of Akron
R.D. Ramsier, The University of Akron
J.A. Dagata, National Institute of Standards and Technology
Correspondent: Click to Email

Sputter-deposited ZrN thin films prepared with high nitrogen content exhibit superdiffusive scanning probe microscope (SPM) oxidation kinetics and oxide feature heights of several hundred nanometers. We extend this enhanced single-tip SPM oxidation to parallel writing with an inherently simple method to obtain large areas of submicrometer-scale oxide features on ZrN thin films. To investigate if this nanoimprint lithography technique can be used to create arrays of well-defined features on other metal surfaces, pattern transfer onto iron/iron nitride thin films is studied here. This comparison is of fundamental interest in that Zr oxidation is driven by oxygen migration, whereas Fe oxidizes by metal ion transport. Implication of the use of patterned Zr and Fe nitride thin films for biomedical and magnetic applications are also discussed.