AVS 52nd International Symposium | |
Nanometer-Scale Science and Technology | Thursday Sessions |
Click a paper to see the details. Presenters are shown in bold type.
8:20am | NS-ThM1 Invited Paper Quantum-dot Nanodevices with Carbon Nanotubes K. Ishibashi, S. Moriyama, T. Fuse, D. Tsuya, M. Suzuki, RIKEN, Japan |
9:00am | NS-ThM3 Stable Electron Emission from a Multi-Wall Carbon Nanotube in Low Vacuum H. Suga, Nihon University, Japan, H. Abe, M. Tanaka, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), Japan, T. Ohno, Technex Lab Co., Japan, Y. Nishioka, Nihon University, Japan, H. Tokumoto, T. Shimizu, AIST, Japan |
9:20am | NS-ThM4 Carbon Nanotubes as Ballistic Phonon Waveguides and Electro-Mechanical Switches V. Deshpande, H.-Y. Chiu, H. Postma, M. Bockrath, California Institute of Technology |
9:40am | NS-ThM5 Invited Paper Carbon Nanotube Transistors and How They Are Different J. Appenzeller, IBM Research Division |
10:20am | NS-ThM7 Carbon Nanotube Schottky Diodes for High Frequency Applications E.W. Wong, H.M. Manohara, E. Schlecht, B.D. Hunt, P.H. Siegel, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology |
10:40am | NS-ThM8 Study of High-Field Electron Transport in Multi-Wall Carbon Nanotubes by MCBJ Technique M. Tsutsui, Y. Taninouchi, S. Kurokawa, A. Sakai, Kyoto University, Japan |
11:00am | NS-ThM9 Enhancement on Field Emission Performance of MWNTs Impregnated with RuO@sub 2@ and Rooted into Metal Substrate H. Liu, The Graduate University for Advanced Studies, Japan, T. Noguchi, K. Tatenuma, KAKEN Inc., Japan, S. Kato, The Graduate University for Advanced Studies, Japan |
11:20am | NS-ThM10 Topologically Induced Localized States in Single Wall Carbon Nanotubes S.-J. Kahng, Korea University, S. Lee, H. Kim, J. Lee, Y. Kuk, Seoul National University, Korea |
11:40am | NS-ThM11 Optimization of Impregnation of Subnano RuO@sub 2@ Clusters on MWCNT for Field Emission Displays T. Noguchi, K. Tatenuma, KAKEN Inc., Japan, S. Kato, High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK), Japan |