AVS 52nd International Symposium
    MEMS and NEMS Monday Sessions

Session MN-MoP
General Aspects of MEMS and NEMS Poster Session

Monday, October 31, 2005, 5:00 pm, Room Exhibit Hall C&D

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Click a paper to see the details. Presenters are shown in bold type.

AFM Studies of Conditioner Thickness Distribution and Binding Interactions on Hair Surface
B. Bhushan, N. Chen, The Ohio State University
Plasma Enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposition of Low Stress Silicon Nitride Using Diethylsilane as Precursor
L.M. Fischer, S. McColman, B. Szeto, K. Westra, S. Evoy, University of Alberta, Canada
DNA Detection System using a Microcantilever
K.-A. Yoo, Myongji University, Korea, K.-H. Na, Lite-on Technology Corp. Korea, S.-R. Joung, C.J. Kang, Y.S. Kim, Myongji University, Korea
Novel Fabrication Method of a Master Structure for Replicating an Optical Device Including Vertically Curved Structures
M.W. Lee, K.J. Lim, C.H. Choi, S.B. Jo, S.G. Lee, S.G. Park, B.H. O, Inha University, Korea
CO Gas Sensor based on a Doped ZnO Film with a Microhotplate/Floating-Gate MIS Structure
W. Calleja-Arriaga, J. De la Hidalga-Wade, Inaoe Mexico, A. Heredia-Jimenez, Upaep Puebla-Mexico, G. Rosas-Guevara, I. Juarez-Ramirez, C. Zuñiga-Islas, N. Carlos-Ramirez, P. Alarcon-Peña, L. Tecuapetla-Quechol, M. Escobar-Aguilar, J. Silva, Inaoe Mexico, J.L. Gonzalez-Vidal, Citis-Uaeh Mexico, M.A. Reyes-Barranca, M.L. Olvera, A. Maldonado, Cinvestav Mexico