AVS 57th International Symposium & Exhibition | |
Applied Surface Science | Tuesday Sessions |
Click a paper to see the details. Presenters are shown in bold type.
AS-TuP1 Application of an Electrospray Technique to Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry (SIMS) Y. Fujiwara, N. Saito, H. Nonaka, T. Nakanaga, S. Ichimura, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), Japan |
AS-TuP2 Structure and Chemical Composition of Thiol-SAMs on Au Surfaces for Biological Applications M. Bruns, S. Engin, V. Trouillet, D. Wedlich, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany, P. Brüner, T. Grehl, S. Kayser, ION-TOF GmbH, Germany, P. Mack, R.G. White, ThermoFisher Scientific, UK |
AS-TuP3 Thickness and Composition of the HfO2/Si Interface Layer As a Function of Aperture-Time of Oxidant-Agent for ALD-grown HfO2 Nanofilms P.G. Mani-Gonzalez, M.O. Vazquez-Lepe, A. Herrera-Gomez, CINVESTAV Queretaro, Mexico |
AS-TuP4 Defect States in Amorphous GaInZnO Thin Film Grown on SiO2/Si Substrates S. Heo, J.G. Chung, H.I. Lee, E.H. Lee, J.C. Lee, G.S. Park, Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology, Korea, J.S. Oh, H.Y. Cho, Dongguk University, Korea, D. Tahi, L.S. Son, S.K. Oh, H.J. Kang, Chungbuk National University, Korea, T. Nagatomi, Y. Takai, Osaka University, Japan |
AS-TuP5 Band Alignment and Defect States in Amorphous Si-N Compounds on Si Substrates H.I. Lee, Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology |
AS-TuP9 Multi-scale Characterization Studies of Li-ion Batteries S. Nagpure, B. Bhushan, S. Babu, G. Rizzoni, The Ohio State University |
AS-TuP10 Improved Tougaard Background Calculation using Predetermined Inelastic Electron Scattering Cross Section Functions K(T) using the Software UNIFIT 2011 R. Hesse, R. Denecke, Universität Leipzig, Germany |
AS-TuP11 Comparative Study of Two Different Methods for Film Thickness Determination on Model and Real Systems using the Software UNIFIT 2010 R. Hesse, P. Streubel, R. Denecke, Universität Leipzig, Germany |
AS-TuP13 MVSA Analysis of 3D MCs+ ToF-SIMS Data V. Smentkowski, GE Global Research Center, M.R. Keenan, Consultant |
AS-TuP14 Metal Silicide Nanoscale Chemical Characterization with Scanning Auger Microscopy D.F. Paul, J.S. Hammond, D.G. Watson, Physical Electronics |
AS-TuP15 Influences Finish Quality in Machining Austempered Ductile Iron W. Mattes, SENAI-SC, Brazil, A.C. Bottene, LOPF/NUMA, Brazil, R. da Silva, UNERJ, Brazil |
AS-TuP18 XPS Analysis of Surface Films Formed on Common Metals on Exposure to Ethanol-Blended Fuels H.M. Meyer III, S.J. Pawel, Oak Ridge National Laboratory |
AS-TuP19 Sputtering of Lunar Regolith Simulant by Singly and Multicharged Constituents of the Solar Wind F.W. Meyer, P.R. Harris, H.M. Meyer III, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, N. Barghouty, J.H. Adams, Jr., Marshall Space Flight Center NASA |
AS-TuP20 Chemical Depth Profiling: Relating Interfacial and Sub-surface Characterization to Electrical Performance K.G. Lloyd, L. Zhang, J.P. Wyre, J.R. Marsh, M.A. Plummer, DuPont Corporate Center for Analytical Sciences |
AS-TuP21 In-situ XPS Analysis of Co and Co2+ during Steam Reforming of Ethanol on Supported Cobalt Catalysts A. Karim, Y. Su, M.H. Engelhard, D. King, Y. Wang, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory |
AS-TuP23 Characterization of a Self-assembled Molecular Nanolayer at Buried Cu-silica Interface S. Garg, R. Teki, A. Jain, K. Chinnathambi, B. Singh, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, V. Smentkowski, GE Global Research Center, M. Lane, Emory and Henry College, G. Ramanath, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute |
AS-TuP24 Experiences with the High Energy Resolution Optics (HERO) Update on a Physical Electronics 690 Auger System W. Wallace, J.A. Ohlhausen, M.T. Brumbach, Sandia National Laboratories |
AS-TuP25 A Device for Traceable Force Probe Calibration J.F. Portoles, P.J. Cumpson, Newcastle University, UK |
AS-TuP26 Synthesis and Characterization of System Sr(Ru1-XFeX)O3 type Perovskite L. Huerta, J.L. Mazariego, M. Quintana, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, E. Ramírez, Universidad Autónoma de la Ciudad de México, M. Flores, Universidad de Guadalajara, México, R. Escamilla, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México |
AS-TuP27 Surface Energy, Topography & Composition of SiOx on Polycarbonate by Proton-Induced X-ray Emission (PIXE), Atomic Force Microscopy & Sessile Drop Contact Angle Analysis using Young-Dupre Equation. Q.B. Xing, Arizona State University, C.F. Watson, SiO2 Associates, LLC, M.A. Hart, D.A. Sell, J.D. Bradley, R.J. Culbertson, A.S. Benitez-Brady, Arizona State University, B.J. Wilkens, LeRoy Eyring Center for Solid State Science at Arizona State University, N. Herbots, Arizona State University |
AS-TuP28 An Investigation of Primary Ion Choices in Depth Profiling Using Time-of-Flight Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry Z.H. Zhu, V. Shutthanandan, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory |