AVS 54th International Symposium
    MEMS and NEMS Tuesday Sessions

Session MN-TuM
Integration and Packaging in MEMS/NEMS

Tuesday, October 16, 2007, 8:00 am, Room 615
Moderator: E. Gousev, Qualcomm MEMS Technologies

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Click a paper to see the details. Presenters are shown in bold type.

8:00am MN-TuM1
Wafer Level Integration of Ultrananocrystalline Diamond (UNCD) Film with CMOS Devices for Monolithically Integrated Diamond MEMS/NEMS-CMOS Systems
A.V. Sumant, O. Auciello, Argonne National Lab, H.C. Yuan, Z. Ma, Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison, B. Kabius, Argonne National Lab, V. Adiga, R.W. Carpick, Univ. of Pennsylvania, D.C. Mancini, Argonne National Lab
8:20am MN-TuM2
Optical Excitation of Higher Flexural and Torsional Modes of Nanoelectromechanical Oscillators
B. Ilic, Cornell University, S. Krylov, Tel Aviv University, Israel, M. Kondratovich, H.G. Craighead, Cornell University
8:40am MN-TuM3
Ultrasensitive, Magnet-tipped Cantilevers for Magnetic Resonance Force Microscopy
S.A. Hickman, S.R. Garner, Cornell University, L.E. Harrell, United States Military Academy, B.I. Penkov, S. Kuehn, J.A. Marohn, Cornell University
9:00am MN-TuM4
Fabrication of Reliable Through-Silicon via (TSV) Interconnects for 3D Stacking
I.U. Abhulimen, A. Kamto, Y. Liu, S. Burkett, L. Schaper, University of Arkansas
9:20am MN-TuM5 Invited Paper
Micro and Nano Electro-Mechanical Systems: Technology for Engineering Metamorphosis
10:40am MN-TuM9
Self-Packaged Micro Fluorescence Detection Systems
S.S. Kim, E. Saeedi, University of Washington, D.R. Meldrum, Arizona State University, B.A. Parviz, University of Washington
11:00am MN-TuM10
Bi-Directional Transport of Ultra-Low Volume Droplets Using Capacitive Sensing
P. Dykstra, X.Z. Fan, M. Mischiati, L.A. Mosher, N.P. Siwak, R. Ghodssi, University of Maryland
11:20am MN-TuM11
Microfluidic Transport Control Using Remotely Powered Semiconductor Diodes
D.N. Petsev, University of New Mexico, S.T. Chang, O.D. Velev, North Carolina State University, V.N. Paunov, University of Hull, UK
11:40am MN-TuM12
Towards Feedback Control with Integrated Position Sensing in Micromachines
M.I. Beyaz, N. Ghalichechian, A. Modafe, R. Ghodssi, University of Maryland
12:00pm MN-TuM13
An Adaptive Feedback Control Circuit for Resonator Sensors
X.Z. Fan, N.P. Siwak, R. Ghodssi, University of Maryland