AVS 66th International Symposium & Exhibition
    Thin Films Division Thursday Sessions
       Session TF-ThP

Paper TF-ThP22
Deposition of the Porous Film on the Reactive Liquid Substrate via Metal-organic Precursors

Thursday, October 24, 2019, 6:30 pm, Room Union Station B

Session: Thin Films Poster Session
Presenter: Haoming Yan, University of Alabama
Authors: H. Yan, University of Alabama
Q. Peng, University of Alabama
Correspondent: Click to Email

Solid on liquid deposition (SOLID) has been achieved and reported for a few times. It has potential in many applications, such as gas sensors, optical lens, selective deposition and etc. SOLID can also take the advantages of the nature of the liquid substrate, like the atomically smooth surface and the naturally formed shape of the liquid. However, the materials that can be deposited onto the liquid substrate are very limited. The reported material that can be deposited on a liquid substrate is mainly poly-para-xylylene via CVD and metals via sputtering. There is no report of using a reactive liquid as a substrate for the solid film deposition. In this work, the metal oxide film can be deposited onto the liquid substrate using the metal-organic precursors and the liquid that can react with them. This method creates more possibilities of the materials that can be deposited on the liquid substrate and potentially broaden the application of the SOLID.