AVS 66th International Symposium & Exhibition
    Thin Films Division Tuesday Sessions
       Session TF+AP-TuM

Paper TF+AP-TuM3
Improved Control of Atomic Scale Processing: Characterization and Optimization of Precursor Mass Delivery Utilizing a Novel Thermal Sensor

Tuesday, October 22, 2019, 8:40 am, Room A124-125

Session: ALD and CVD: Precursors and Process Development
Presenter: Daniel Alvarez, RASIRC
Authors: D. Alvarez, RASIRC
J. Spiegelman, RASIRC
C. Ramos, RASIRC
Z. Shamsi, RASIRC
Correspondent: Click to Email

ALD precursor utilization is a long-standing problem in semiconductor manufacturing. In general, precursors are quite expensive ($5-$25/gram), particularly where utilization is estimated as low as 5-10%. Thus far, chip manufacturers have been burdened by precursor costs and low wafer throughput. A non-optimized process consumes excess material and requires longer purge time.

For Area Selective Deposition (ASD), control of precursor mass delivery is even more critical to process viability. Here, excessive precursor material can initiate growth on "Non-growth” surfaces, leading to a need for intermittent etch steps.

More process control may make problematic processes viable for semiconductor manufacturing. Recently RASIRC introduced a novel dry hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) precursor. A novel H2O2 mass flow sensor was developed to aid in product characterization. This thermal sensor accurately measures heat of decomposition for minute amounts of H2O2:

H2O2 --> ½ O2 + H2O + heat

Our work uses this device to characterize H2O2 delivery parameters to:

Quantitative experimental methods are used to understand the effects of:

An ALD simulation manifold was built to re-create typical ALD conditions. An automated test program controls valves and sensors to simulate process recipes. Initial results indicate highly variable mass delivery w.r.t. pressure. An ampoule outlet pressure of 20 torr results in 33.22 mg/min H2O2 mass delivery, vs 15.11 mg/min at 70 torr and 1.22 mg/min at 760 torr. Results are less affected by flow rate, where 0.5 slm at 22 torr leads to 33mg/min H2O2 vs 1.0 slm at 34 torr leads to 42 mg/min, and 2.0 slm at 57 torr leads to 44 mg/min. Here, increased mass delivery from higher flow rate is offset by a corresponding increase in pressure. In addition, while increased flow rate does not result in significant mass delivery increase for 2 slm, there is a significant decrease in precursor concentration, where the molar ratio of H2O2/N2 is decreased by 70% vs 0.5 slm. Concentration effects are significant to film uniformity in ALD and have ramifications in ASD.

Mass delivery vs pulse time was also examined. Data will be presented for 3s, 1s, 0.3 sec, and 0.1s pulses. Application to process optimization will also be discussed.