AVS 62nd International Symposium & Exhibition
    Exhibitor Technology Spotlight Tuesday Sessions

Session EW-TuL
Exhibitor Technology Spotlight Session

Tuesday, October 20, 2015, 12:20 pm, Room Hall 1
Moderator: Dennis Sollon, Kurt J. Lesker

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Click a paper to see the details. Presenters are shown in bold type.

12:40pm EW-TuL2
The Latest Developments in Surface Analysis from Thermo Fisher Scientific
Tim Nunney, Thermo Fisher Scientific, UK, P. Mack, C. Deeks, R.G. White, Thermo Fisher Scientific
1:00pm EW-TuL3
EnviroESCA – The Revolution of a Method
Andreas Thissen, S. Bahr, T. Kampen, O. Schaff, SPECS Surface Nano Analysis GmbH, Germany
1:20pm EW-TuL4
Latest Developments in XPS and Related Methods from Kratos Analytical
Chris Blomfield, J.D.P. Counsell, S.J. Coultas, S.C. Page, Kratos Analytical Limited, UK, C. Moffitt, Kratos Analytical Limited
1:40pm EW-TuL5
What's New from Physical Electronics
Scott Bryan, Physical Electronics USA
2:00pm EW-TuL6
AFM of Thin Films for Nanomechanical, Nanoelectrical, and Electromechanical Characterization
Amir Moshar, A. Labuda, Asylum Research, an Oxford Instruments Company