AVS 59th Annual International Symposium and Exhibition
    Applied Surface Science Tuesday Sessions
       Session AS+BI-TuM

Paper AS+BI-TuM5
Ageing Processes Occurring on Nanoscaled Aminated Surfaces as Observed by ToF-SIMS/PCA, NEXAFS Spectroscopy and XPS

Tuesday, October 30, 2012, 9:20 am, Room 20

Session: Practical Surface Analysis
Presenter: W.E.S. Unger, BAM Federal Inst. for Materials Res. and Testing, Germany
Authors: W.E.S. Unger, BAM Federal Inst. for Materials Res. and Testing, Germany
H. Min, BAM Federal Inst. for Materials Res. and Testing and KAIST Korea
S. Swaraj, BAM Federal Inst. for Materials Res. and Testing and Soleil Synchrotron France
P.-L. Girard-Lauriault, BAM Federal Inst. for Materials Res. and Testing and McGill Univ. Toronto
A. Lippitz, BAM Federal Inst. for Materials Res. and Testing, Germany
Correspondent: Click to Email

Ultrathin organic surfaces covered by amines as coupling sites are often used in recent technologies as biosensing, adhesion in composite materials and layer-by-layer deposition of nano structures on self-assembled monolayer platforms. Ageing processes occurring with those aminated surfaces have to be regularly controlled in order to guarantee their functionality in applications.

We used a combined XPS, NEXAFS spectroscopy and ToF-SIMS/PCA approach to follow ageing of different kinds of amino-terminated surfaces stored on ambient air up to ~1 year. Test samples have been prepared as (1) aliphatic and aromatic aminosilanes on glass slides, (2) aminothiols prepared as self assembled monolayers and (3) by different plasma polymerization technologies (low pressure and atmospheric pressure DBD plasma polymerization).

The observation common to all investigated films is that the ageing process ends with a formation of amides which has been clearly proven by NEXAFS N K-edge spectra and PCA of ToF-SIMS data. However the kinetics of the ageing processes, the decay of amines, has been found to be rather different for the different kinds of samples investigated. The susceptibility of plasma deposited films is much higher the due to the radicals inherently produced by the deposition technique. Furthermore storage conditions have been found at which the decay of amines in course of ageing can be suppressed to some extent.