AVS 57th International Symposium & Exhibition | |
Tribology Focus Topic | Wednesday Sessions |
Click a paper to see the details. Presenters are shown in bold type.
2:00pm | TR+NS+SS-WeA1 Quantitative Assessment of Sample Stiffness and Sliding Friction from Force Curves in Atomic Force Microscopy J.R. Pratt, G.A. Shaw, NIST, L. Kumanchik, University of Florida, N.A. Burnham, Worcester Polytechnic Institute |
2:20pm | TR+NS+SS-WeA2 Nanotribological Properties of Polyzwitterionic Brushes Z. Zhang, A.J. Morse, S.P. Armes, University of Sheffield, UK, A.L. Lewis, Biocompatibles UK Ltd., UK, G.J. Leggett, University of Sheffield, UK |
2:40pm | TR+NS+SS-WeA3 Invited Paper Atomic-scale Processes in Friction and Wear: From Diamond to Graphene R.W. Carpick, University of Pennsylvania |
4:00pm | TR+NS+SS-WeA7 Lubricin Reduces Microscale Cartilage Wear J.M. Coles, D.P. Chang, Duke University, L. Zhang, G.D. Jay, Brown University / Rhode Island Hospital, F. Guilak, S. Zauscher, Duke University |
4:20pm | TR+NS+SS-WeA8 Friction of Metallic Nanoparticles: The Influence of Particle Morphology, Orientation and Air Exposure D. Dietzel, T. Moenninghoff, C. Herding, M. Feldmann, H. Fuchs, Westfaelische Wilhelms-Universitaet Muenster, Germany, C. Ritter, U.D. Schwarz, Yale University, A. Schirmeisen, Westfaelische Wilhelms-Universitaet Muenster, Germany |
4:40pm | TR+NS+SS-WeA9 Invited Paper Modeling Materials in Contact using Molecular Simulation J.D. Schall, R.V. Petrach, Oakland University |
5:20pm | TR+NS+SS-WeA11 Modeling Tribochemistry of DLC vs DLC in the Presence of Water J.A. Harrison, P.T. Mikulski, M.T. Knippenberg, United States Naval Academy |
5:40pm | TR+NS+SS-WeA12 Effects of Impact and Sliding Forces on Failure Behavior of a DLC Coating J.F. Su, L. Wang, X. Nie, University of Windsor, Canada |