AVS 57th International Symposium & Exhibition | |
Tribology Focus Topic | Wednesday Sessions |
Click a paper to see the details. Presenters are shown in bold type.
8:00am | TR+MN+NS+SS-WeM1 Invited Paper ‘Demystifying’ Gas Phase Lubrication: Tribochemistry, Third Bodies and Competition I.L. Singer, Naval Research Laboratory |
8:40am | TR+MN+NS+SS-WeM3 Understanding Vapor Phase Lubrication Mechanism of Alcohol for MEMS and Other Materials S.H. Kim, Pennsylvania State University |
9:00am | TR+MN+NS+SS-WeM4 Mechanistic Aspects of Vapor Phase Lubrication of Silicon M.T. Dugger, J.A. Ohlhausen, S.M. Dirk, Sandia National Laboratories |
9:20am | TR+MN+NS+SS-WeM5 Tribological Study of Octadecylphosphonic Acid Self-Assembled Monolayers Across Velocity Regimes O. Matthews, S. Barkley, Luther College, C. Bouxsein, M. Deram, N. Eigenfeld, St. Olaf College, A. Poda, W.R. Ashurst, Auburn University, B. Borovsky, St. Olaf College, E. Flater, Luther College |
10:40am | TR+MN+NS+SS-WeM9 Invited Paper Friction at Cryogenic Temperatures S.S. Perry, University of Florida |
11:20am | TR+MN+NS+SS-WeM11 In-Situ Scanning Auger Analysis of a Tribological Wear Scar in UHV Conditions B.P. Miller, O.J. Furlong, W.T. Tysoe, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee |
11:40am | TR+MN+NS+SS-WeM12 First Principles Calculations and Atomistic Simulations of Tribology at Sliding Molybdenum Disulfide Surfaces T. Liang, S.R. Phillpot, S.B. Sinnott, University of Florida |