AVS 57th International Symposium & Exhibition | |
Applied Surface Science | Wednesday Sessions |
Click a paper to see the details. Presenters are shown in bold type.
8:00am | AS-WeM1 Ion Photon Emission Microscopy: A Novel Method for Studying Radiation Effects J.V. Branson, K. Hattar, G. Vizkelethy, C.J. Powell, Sandia National Laboratories, P. Rossi, University of Padua and INFN, Italy, B.L. Doyle, Sandia National Laboratories |
8:20am | AS-WeM2 Synthesis and Characterization of Gold Nanocluster-Cavity Pairs in SrTiO3 S.V. Shutthanandan, C.M. Wang, B. Arey, W. Jiang, Y. Zhang, T. Thevuthasan, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, G. Duscher, Oak Ridge National Laboratory |
9:00am | AS-WeM4 Material Contrast Mechanisms in FIB and SEM Images L.A. Giannuzzi, FEI Company, M. Utlaut, Portland State University |
9:20am | AS-WeM5 Invited Paper A High Brightness Plasma Source for Next Generation FIB, SIMS and Surface Engineering N. Smith, P.P. Tesch, N.P. Martin, R.W. Boswell, Oregon Physics |
10:40am | AS-WeM9 XPS Comparison of Ar, Coronene, C60, and Ar Gas Cluster Ion Beam Depth Profiling of Polyimide Films J.S. Hammond, Physical Electronics, T. Miyayama, N. Sanada, ULVAC-PHI, Japan, J.F. Moulder, Physical Electronics, M. Suzuki, ULVAC-PHI, Japan, A. Takuhara, Kyushu University, Japan |
11:00am | AS-WeM10 XPS Sputter Depth Profiling of Organic Materials Using a Coronene Ion Source S.J. Hutton, C.J. Blomfield, A.J. Roberts, G. Mishra, I.W. Drummond, S.C. Page, Kratos Analytical Ltd., UK |
11:20am | AS-WeM11 The Application of Digital Techniques to the Calibration of Depth Scales in XPS Sputter Profiling P. Mack, T. Nunney, R.G. White, A. Wright, ThermoFisher Scientific, UK |