AVS 53rd International Symposium
    Nucleic Acids at Surfaces Topical Conference Monday Sessions

Session DN-MoM
Nucleic Acids at Surfaces I

Monday, November 13, 2006, 8:00 am, Room 2014
Moderator: D.W. Grainger, University of Utah

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Click a paper to see the details. Presenters are shown in bold type.

8:00am DN-MoM1
Carbon Nanotube and Thiol Tethered ssDNA Interactions on Gold
R.A. Zangmeister, J.E. Maslar, J.G. Kushmerick, NIST
8:20am DN-MoM2
Identifying Short DNA-Strands with Redox Markers by in situ Scanning Tunnelling Microscopy
M. Grubb, H. Wackerbarth, T. Albrecht, J. Ulstrup, Technical University of Denmark
8:40am DN-MoM3
Hybridization Behavior of DNA/Oligo(ethylene glycol) Functionalized Gold Surfaces in Complex Media
C.-Y. Lee, L.J. Gamble, University of Washington, D.W. Grainger, Colorado State University, D.G. Castner, University of Washington
9:00am DN-MoM4
Amino-Silane and Chitosan Coated Silicon Substrates for DNA Extraction
P.L. Pasquardini, ITC-irst, Italy, F.S. Fiorilli, Politecnico di Torino, Italy, F.S. Forti, L. Lunelli, P.C. Pederzolli, V.L. Vanzetti, V.M. Vinante, ITC-irst, Italy, G.E. Garrone, Politecnico di Torino, Italy, A.M. Anderle, ITC-irst, Italy
9:20am DN-MoM5
Thymine Homo-oligonucleotides as Model Systems for DNA Surface Science
D.Y. Petrovykh, University of Maryland, College Park, A. Opdahl, H. Kimura-Suda, M.J. Tarlov, National Institute of Standards and Technology, L.J. Whitman, Naval Research Laboratory
9:40am DN-MoM6
Engineering DNA-DNA Surface Interactions
P.E. Laibinis, Vanderbilt University, M. Bajaj, I.H. Lee, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
10:20am DN-MoM8
Quantitative XPS Imaging of DNA Microarray Surfaces
L.J. Gamble, C.-Y. Lee, University of Washington, G.M. Harbers, D.W. Grainger, Colorado State University, D.G. Castner, University of Washington
10:40am DN-MoM9
DNA Nanostructure Adsorption and Growth on Inorganic Surfaces
G. Zuccheri, University of Bologna, INSTM and INFM-S3 Center, Italy, M. Brucale, University of Bologna, Italy, B. Samorì, University of Bologna, and INFM-S3 Center, Italy
11:20am DN-MoM11 Invited Paper
Interfacial Hybridization Reactions Monitored by Surface Plasmon Optical and Electrochemical Techniques
W. Knoll, Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research, Germany