AVS 53rd International Symposium
    Manufacturing Science and Technology Tuesday Sessions
       Session MS-TuA

Invited Paper MS-TuA5
Semiconductor Materials Challenges and Opportunities for Energy Efficient Power Conversion Technologies

Tuesday, November 14, 2006, 3:20 pm, Room 2018

Session: Process Integration and Modeling for Nano-scale Semiconductor Devices
Presenter: M.A. Briere, International Rectifier
Correspondent: Click to Email

There exists great opportunities to signifcantly impact the world wide energy consumption through the development and implementation of highly efficient power management and conversion technologies. Nearly 25 % of the worlds consumption of oil can be saved by the year 2025 through improvements in electronics used in lighting, transportation, motor control for appliances and power supplies for electronic devices. In order to achieve these results, implementation must be widespread. This requires that the solutions be available without additional system costs. The challenge of providing energy efficiency for free can be met through innovative system architecures and improved semiconductor devices. Significant advances in device and system performance can be achieved through the use of new semiconducting materials. A review of the relationship of device performance and semiconductor material properties for Si, SiC, Diamond and GaN will be presented, as well as a comparison of performance for device structures of diodes, FETs and IGBTs. Material growth techniques such as MBE and MOCVD will be compared for these purposes. A summary of the state of the art in the material properties and device characteristics for these alternatives to the present Si offerings will be made. Critera for large scale manufacturing using these materials and growth techniques will be presented.