AVS 52nd International Symposium
    Vacuum Technology Tuesday Sessions

Session VT-TuA
Calibration: Pressure and Flow Metrology

Tuesday, November 1, 2005, 2:00 pm, Room 200
Moderator: P.J. Abbott, NIST

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Click a paper to see the details. Presenters are shown in bold type.

2:00pm VT-TuA1
A New Determination of the Volume Ratio of the NPLI Static Expansion System
P. Mohan, National Physical Laboratory, India
2:20pm VT-TuA2
Precise Volume Measurement of Bellows with its Length for a Constant Pressure Flowmeter
K. Arai, H. Akimichi, M. Hirata, AIST, Japan
2:40pm VT-TuA3
High-accuracy Vacuum Calibration System
S. Tison, S. Lu, S. Sukumaran, Mykrolis Corporation
3:00pm VT-TuA4
Development of a New High-Stability Transfer Standard Based on Resonant Silicon Gauges for the Range 0.1 kPa - 130 kPa
J.H. Hendricks, A.P. Miiller, NIST
3:20pm VT-TuA5
New Calibration Apparatus for 1, 10, 100 Torr Capacitance Diaphragm Gauges
S.Y. Woo, I.M. Choi, Korea Research Institute of Standards and Science
3:40pm VT-TuA6
Real Time Calibration of Leak Detection Sensitivity
X. Chen, T.B. Huang, L.B. Xiao, L.Z. Cha, Tsinghua University, China