AVS 52nd International Symposium
    Thin Films Monday Sessions

Session TF+NS-MoA
Focused Beam Processing & Fabrication

Monday, October 31, 2005, 2:00 pm, Room 306
Moderator: J.D. Fowlkes, University of Tennessee

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Click a paper to see the details. Presenters are shown in bold type.

2:00pm TF+NS-MoA1 Invited Paper
Beam-Induced Nano-Structuring for Advanced Mask Repair
T. Liang, Intel Corporation
2:40pm TF+NS-MoA3
Electron Beam Induced Processing Techniques for Advanced Lithography Mask Repair
D.A. Smith, J.D. Fowlkes, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, T. Liang, Intel Corporation, P.D. Rack, University of Tennessee, Knoxville
3:00pm TF+NS-MoA4
Reduction of Laser-Induced Roughness in a-Si:H Surfaces for Vacuum Compatible Lithography
R.N. Jacobs, E.W. Robinson, A.J. Stoltz, J.H. Dinan, US Army RDECOM CERDEC Night Vision and Electronic Sensors Directorate, L.G. Salamanca-Riba, University of Maryland, College Park
3:20pm TF+NS-MoA5
Maskless, Direct-Write Nanolithography using Electron Beam-Induced Deposition
S.J. Randolph, J.D. Fowlkes, P.D. Rack, University of Tennessee, Knoxville
3:40pm TF+NS-MoA6
Focused Ion Beam Sculpting of Curved Shapes in Metals and Amorphizable Solids
D.P. Adams, M.J. Vasile, Sandia National Laboratories
4:00pm TF+NS-MoA7 Invited Paper
Focused Electron and Ion Beam Processing and Fabrication
J. Melngailis, University of Maryland, I. Utke, EMPA, Thun, Switzerland, P. Hoffmann, EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland
4:40pm TF+NS-MoA9
Sub-Micron Features Using a Focused Ion Beam and Novel Resist Structures
M.H. Ervin, U.S. Army Research Laboratory