AVS 52nd International Symposium
    Plasma Science and Technology Tuesday Sessions

Session PS-TuM
Plasma Surface Interactions I

Tuesday, November 1, 2005, 8:20 am, Room 304
Moderator: E.C. Benck, National Institute of Standards and Technology

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Click a paper to see the details. Presenters are shown in bold type.

8:20am PS-TuM1
Investigation of Plasma-Surface Interaction by Sheath-Lens Focusing Effects
E. Stamate, H. Sugai, Nagoya University, Japan
8:40am PS-TuM2
Effects of Polymer Deposition on Density Stabilization and Loss Rate of Radical Species in Fluorocarbon Plasmas
K. Kumagai, K. Nakamura, Chubu University, Japan, K. Oshima, T. Tatsumi, Sony, Japan
9:00am PS-TuM3
Angular Dependence of Si@sub 3@N@sub 4@ Etch Rates and the Etch Selectivity of SiO@sub 2@ to Si@sub 3@N@sub 4@ at Different Bias Voltages in a High Density C@sub 4@F@sub 8@ Plasma
J.-K. Lee, J.-H. Min, S.H. Moon, Seoul National University, South Korea
9:20am PS-TuM4
Fluorocarbon Film Deposition in a Gap Structure and Correlation With Trench Sidewall Angle for Fluorocarbon Chemistries in Capacitively Coupled Discharges
L. Ling, X. Hua, B. Orf, G.S. Oehrlein, University of Maryland at College Park, E.A. Hudson, Lam Research Corp., P. Jiang, Texas Instruments, Y. Wang, National Institute of Standards and Technology
9:40am PS-TuM5 Invited Paper
The Spontaneous Etching of Silicon by F Atoms, Cl Atoms and XeF@sub 2@ : A Unified Model Supported by Experiment and Simulation
H. Winters, Unversity of California at Berkeley, D. Humbird, D.B. Graves, University of California, Berkeley
10:20am PS-TuM7
Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Ar@super +@ Bombardment of Si: Characterizing Ion-Induced Disorder at Surfaces
D. Humbird, Lam Research Corporation, D.B. Graves, University of California at Berkeley, W.M.M. Kessels, Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands
10:40am PS-TuM8
Fluorocarbon Polymer Layers and Etching: the Role of Fluctuations, Cluster Ejection, and Redeposition
J.J. Vegh, D. Humbird, D.B. Graves, University of California, Berkeley
11:00am PS-TuM9
Molecular Dynamics Investigation of the Etching of Passivated SiOCH Low-@kappa@ Dielectric Films
V. Smirnov, A. Stengatch, K. Gainullin, V. Pavlovsky, SarovLabs, Russia, S. Rauf, P. Ventzek, Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
11:20am PS-TuM10
Scattering Dynamics of Energetic F@super +@ Ions on Si and Al Surfaces
J. Mace, M.J. Gordon, K.P. Giapis, California Institute of Technology
11:40am PS-TuM11
IRIS Studies of SiCl@sub x@ Surface Interactions in SiCl@sub 4@ Plasmas
I.T. Martin, D. Liu, E.R. Fisher, Colorado State University