AVS 52nd International Symposium
    Nanometer-Scale Science and Technology Monday Sessions

Session NS2-MoM

Monday, October 31, 2005, 8:20 am, Room 210
Moderator: C.R. Marrian, IBM

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Click a paper to see the details. Presenters are shown in bold type.

8:20am NS2-MoM1
Probing Growth Defects Inside Nanowires
J. Eriksson, A. Mikkelsen, E. Lundgren, Lund University, Sweden, W. Hofer, University of Liverpool, U.K., N. Skold, L. Samulesson, W. Seifert, Lund University, Sweden
8:40am NS2-MoM2
Optical Activation of Implanted Impurities in ZnS Nanowires
D. Stichtenoth, D. Schwen, S. Mueller, C. Borchers, C. Ronning, University of Goettingen, Germany
9:00am NS2-MoM3
Metal, and Conducting Polymer Nanowires for Gas and Biomolecule Sensing
M. Yun, University of Pittsburgh, C. Lee, R. Vasquez, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, N. Myung, University of California at Riverside, J. Wang, H. Monbouquette, University of California at Los Angeles, A. Mulchandani, University of California at Riverside
9:20am NS2-MoM4
Determination of the Mechanical and Electromechanical Properties of 1D-nanostructures
A. Heidelberg, B. Wu, J.G. Sheridan, J.J. Boland, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland
9:40am NS2-MoM5 Invited Paper
Nanowires: From Biological Sensing to Computing and Much More!
C.M. Lieber, C. Yang, Harvard University
10:20am NS2-MoM7
Direct Atomically Resolved Imaging of Nanowire Heterostructures and Nanowire Substrate Interaction
A. Mikkelsen, Lund Universty, Sweden, J. Eriksson, L. Ouattara, E. Lundgren, Lund University, Sweden, T. Knaapen, Eindhoven Technical University, The Netherlands, N. Skold, W. Seifert, L. Samuelson, Lund University, Sweden
10:40am NS2-MoM8
Near-field Scanning Photocurrent Microscopy of a Nanowire Photodetector
Y. Gu, E.-S. Kwak, J.L. Lensch, J.E. Allen, T.W. Odom, L.J. Lauhon, Northwestern University
11:00am NS2-MoM9
Fabrication of Silicon Nanowires with Addressable Au-coated Si Islands
C. Wang, K.S. Ma, M. Madou, University of California, Irvine
11:20am NS2-MoM10
Mechanical and Electromechanical Properties of Metallic Nanowires
B. Wu, A. Heidelberg, J.J. Boland, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland
11:40am NS2-MoM11
In Situ Resistance Measurement of Epitaxial Silicide Nanowires
H. Okino, R. Hobara, Y. Hosomura, I. Matsuda, S. Hasegawa, University of Tokyo, Japan, P.A. Bennett, Arizona State University