AVS 52nd International Symposium | |
Nanometer-Scale Science and Technology | Monday Sessions |
Click a paper to see the details. Presenters are shown in bold type.
2:00pm | NS2-MoA1 Invited Paper Seeing SAMs R.G. Nuzzo, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign |
2:40pm | NS2-MoA3 Directed Assembly and Separation of Self-Assembled Monolayers Via Electrochemical Processing T.J. Mullen, A.A. Dameron, J.R. Hampton, P.S. Weiss, The Pennsylvania State University |
3:00pm | NS2-MoA4 AFM Investigation of the Growth of Self-Assembled MOSUD Layers T.Y. Shih, B.E. Koel, A.A.G. Requicha, University of Southern California |
3:20pm | NS2-MoA5 Submicron Dispersions from Urea-Based Liquid Crystalline Phases C. Fong, CSIRO Molecular Science, Australia, J. Booth, RMIT School of Applied Sciences, Australia, C.J. Drummond, I. Krodkiewska, D. Wells, P.G. Hartley, CSIRO Molecular Science, Australia |
3:40pm | NS2-MoA6 Nanometer-scale Structures Created using Molecular Self-Assembly for Building Blocks and Components M.E. Anderson, C. Srinivasan, R. Jayaraman, E.M. Carter, M.W. Horn, P.S. Weiss, The Pennsylvania State University |
4:00pm | NS2-MoA7 Invited Paper Electric Nanocontact Lithography to the Directed Self-Assembly of Nanoparticle Based Devices C.R. Barry, A.M. Welle, U. Kortshagen, S. Campbell, H.O. Jacobs, University of Minnesota |
4:40pm | NS2-MoA9 Self-Assembly Activated by Molecular Motors H. Hess, University of Florida, J. Clemmens, University of Washington, C. Brunner, ETH Zurich, Switzerland, R. Doot, University of Washington, S. Luna, ETH Zurich, Switzerland, K.-H. Ernst, EMPA Duebendorf, Switzerland, V. Vogel, ETH Zurich, Switzerland |
5:00pm | NS2-MoA10 Directed Assembly and Real-Time Electrical Detection of Nanowire Bridges L. Shang, M. Marcus, J. Streifer, B. Li, R.J. Hamers, University of Wisconsin-Madison |