AVS 52nd International Symposium
    Magnetic Interfaces and Nanostructures Wednesday Sessions

Session MI-WeM
Magnetic Imaging and Spectroscopies

Wednesday, November 2, 2005, 8:20 am, Room 204
Moderator: M.E. Hawley, Los Alamos National Laboratory

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Click a paper to see the details. Presenters are shown in bold type.

9:00am MI-WeM3
Development of Spin Resolved Photoemission Facility at the LLNL for the Electronic Structure Study of Actinides
J.G. Tobin, S.-W. Yu, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
9:20am MI-WeM4
A Comparative Study of the Magnetic Domain Structure of Mn Doped ITO Thin Films by Magnetic Force Microscopy
B.I. Kim, J.O. Holmes, M.R. Kongara, A. Punnoose, Boise State University
9:40am MI-WeM5 Invited Paper
Spin Polarized Scanning Tunneling Spectroscopy of Nano-Scale Co Islands on Cu(111)
O. Pietzsch, University of Hamburg, Germany
10:20am MI-WeM7
Evolution of (Surface) Magnetic Moment and Magnetic Ordering Behavior in Epitaxial Transition Metal Films
K.R. Podolak, The Pennsylvania State University, N. Janke-Gilman, Latrobe University, Australia, R.F. Willis, The Pennsylvania State University
10:40am MI-WeM8
Spin-Resolved Core Level Photoemission of the Ni/Co/Cu(001) System Using Circularly Polarized X-Rays
T. Komesu, G.D. Waddill, University of Missouri-Rolla, M.T. Butterfield, S.-W. Yu, J.G. Tobin, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
11:00am MI-WeM9 Invited Paper
Medard Welch Award Lecture: Studies of Magnetic Materials and Nanostructures using Synchrotron Radiation Spectroscopy, Diffraction, and Holography
C. Fadley, University of California, Davis and LBNL, Berkeley