AVS 52nd International Symposium
    Electronic Materials and Processing Wednesday Sessions

Session EM-WeA
Contacts to Semiconductors

Wednesday, November 2, 2005, 2:00 pm, Room 309
Moderator: S.E. Mohney, The Pennsylvania State University

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Click a paper to see the details. Presenters are shown in bold type.

2:00pm EM-WeA1
Effect of Si on the Ohmic Behavior of Ti/Al/Mo/Au Metallization for AlGaN/GaN HEMTs
F.M. Mohammed, L. Wang, H.J. Koo, I. Adesida, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
2:20pm EM-WeA2
Non-uniform Interfacial Reactions of Ti/Al/Mo/Au Ohmic Contacts on n-AlGaN/GaN Heterostructure and its Effect on Carrier Transport
L. Wang, F.M. Mohammed, I. Adesida, University of Illinios at Urbana-Champaign
2:40pm EM-WeA3
Polarization-enhanced Ohmic Contacts to GaInN-based Blue Light-Emitting Diodes
T. Gessmann, Y.A. Xi, H. Luo, J.K. Kim, J.Q. Xi, K. Chen, E.F. Schubert, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
3:00pm EM-WeA4
Indium-based Ohmic Contacts to n-GaSb and the Influence of Surface Passivation
J.A. Robinson, S.E. Mohney, The Pennsylvania State University
3:20pm EM-WeA5 Invited Paper
Controlling Interfacial Reactions in Ferromagnetic Metal / GaAs Heterostructures
B.D. Schultz, University of Minnesota
4:00pm EM-WeA7
Molecular Beam Epitaxial Growth of Sc@sub x@Er@sub 1-x@Sb on III-V Compound Semiconductors
S.G. Choi, Univerrsity of Minnesota, B.D. Schultz, C.J. Palmstrom, University of Minnesota
4:20pm EM-WeA8
Chemically-Induced Point Defects and Schottky Barrier Formation at Metal/4H-SiC Interfaces
L.J. Brillson, S. Tumakha, M. Gao, The Ohio State University, S. Tsukimoto, M. Murakami, Kyoto University, Japan, D.J. Ewing, L. Porter, Carnegie Mellon University
4:40pm EM-WeA9
Metal Germanide Schottky Contacts to Relaxed and Strained Germanium
A. Khakifirooz, O.M. Nayfeh, M.L. Lee, E. Fitzgerald, D.A. Antoniadis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
5:00pm EM-WeA10
Ni Diffusion Studies From NiSi/Hf-based High-K Dielectric Stack Into Si
P. Zhao, M.J. Kim, B.E. Gnade, R.M. Wallace, University of Texas at Dallas