AVS 58th Annual International Symposium and Exhibition
    Applied Surface Science Division Wednesday Sessions
       Session AS-WeA

Invited Paper AS-WeA3
Challenges Associated with Mathematically Correlating Data from Multiple Surface Characterization Techniques

Wednesday, November 2, 2011, 2:40 pm, Room 102

Session: Correlative Analysis - A Multi-technique Approach for Identification and Structure-Property Relationships
Presenter: Kathryn Lloyd, DuPont Corporate Center for Analytical Sciences
Authors: K.G. Lloyd, DuPont Corporate Center for Analytical Sciences
D.J. Walls, DuPont Corporate Center for Analytical Sciences
L. Zhang, DuPont Corporate Center for Analytical Sciences
J.P. Wyre, DuPont Corporate Center for Analytical Sciences
Correspondent: Click to Email

There are now many examples of multivariate analysis of surface-specific technique data[1,2]. These include multivariate statistical methods such as Principal Components Analysis (PCA), Partial Least Squares (PLS), or Multivariate Curve Resolution (MCR) applied to so-called “hyperspectral” mapping data, in which hundreds of channels of spectral data are collected at each pixel of a two-dimensional pixel array spanning an area of interest. The idea of trying to mathematically correlate different sets of mapping data from the same area is not new[3], and falls under the broader category of ‘image fusion’ used in conjunction with remote sensing applications[4]. However, this approach is not prevalent in the surface science literature, with the notable exception of Fulghum and Artyushkova[5,6].

There are good reasons for this, from both the experimental and modeling perspectives. This talk will discuss the challenges associated with mathematically correlating spectroscopic and mapping data from multiple surface-specific techniques. Examples from the literature and the analytical lab will be discussed.

[1]V. S. Smentkowski, J. A.Ohlhausen, P. G. Kotula, M. R. Keenan, Applied Surface Science 2004, 231, 245.

[2] M. S. Wagner, D. J. Graham, B. D. Ratner, D. G. Castner, Surface Science 2004, 570, 78.

[3] H. Hutter, M. Grasserbauer, Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems 1994, 24, 99.

[4] C. Pohl, J. L. Van Genderen., International Journal of Remote Sensing 1998, 19, 823.

[5] K. Artyushkova, J. E. Fulghum, ‘‘XPS and Confocal Microscopy Data Fusion for Polymer Characterization,’’ talk presented at American Vacuum Society 50th International Symposium held in Baltimore, MD November 2–7, 2003.

[6] K. Artyushkova, S. Pylypenko, J. Fenton, K. Archuleta, L.Williams, J. Fulghum, Microscopy and Microanalysis 2006, 12(Suppl. 02), 1402.