AVS 66th International Symposium & Exhibition
    Plasma Science and Technology Division Monday Sessions
       Session PS1+SE-MoM

Paper PS1+SE-MoM8
OES Imaging and Double Langmuir Probe Studies of Flow-through, Supersonic Microplasma Jet Sources

Monday, October 21, 2019, 10:40 am, Room B131

Session: Atmospheric-Pressure Plasmas
Presenter: Michael Gordon, University of California at Santa Barbara
Authors: K.E. Mackie, University of California at Santa Barbara
M.J. Gordon, University of California at Santa Barbara
Correspondent: Click to Email

Spatially-resolved OES imaging and double Langmuir probe (DLP) measurements were carried out on flow-through supersonic microplasma jets to highlight how plasma operating conditions (e.g., pressure, current, presence of growth precursors/O2, distance from the nozzle) affect the local gas (Trot and Ttrans) and electron (Te) temperatures in the plasma jet plume. Trot and Tvib were estimated using semi-empirical and rigorous quantum mechanical fits to OES spectra of the first positive group of N2 (B3Π --> A3Σu+), and Te was obtained via fits to DLP IV curves. Experiments on Ar jets with downstream pressures in the 10-200 Torr regime yielded estimates of Trot = Tg and Tvib of 500-700 K and 5000-6000 K, respectively, using two independent methods. DLP data gave estimates of Te in the 1-3 eV range, which depended on the exact location in the expanding jet plume. The transition between a pre-discharge-like operating regime at low plasma currents to true hollow cathode operation at high currents was also observed in the plasma IV characteristic and companion OES measurements. The talk will highlight OES imaging and DLP results, as well as the effect of gas additives, i.e., the presence of film deposition precursors and/or oxidants in the jet feed vs. background gas, on jet operating characteristics (Te, Tgas, etc.).