AVS 66th International Symposium & Exhibition
    Plasma Science and Technology Division Monday Sessions
       Session PS1+SE-MoM

Invited Paper PS1+SE-MoM10
Atmospheric-Pressure Plasmas As Ionization Sources For Atomic, Molecular, And Biological Mass Spectrometry

Monday, October 21, 2019, 11:20 am, Room B131

Session: Atmospheric-Pressure Plasmas
Presenter: Jacob Shelley, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Authors: J. Shelley, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
S. Badal, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
C. Walton, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
G. MacLean, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
I. Ayodeji, University of South Florida
G. Chan, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
T. Evans-Nguyen, University of South Florida
Correspondent: Click to Email

Analytical plasmas that operate at ambient pressures and mass spectrometry (MS) have been in a symbiotic relationship since the near-coincident advent of the inductively coupled plasma (ICP) ionization source and atmospheric-pressure (AP) inlets for mass spectrometers. Preceding that discovery by only a few years, it was shown that low-power plasmas could be used for soft ionization of intact molecules through chemical ionization pathways. More recently, analytical plasma source development has seen a resurgence with the realization of a variety of low-power AP plasma designs useful as MS ionization sources. AP plasmas are unique in that they have the ability to create a wide-range of energetic species useful for desorption and/or ionization processes.

Plasmas produce highly energetic species (e.g., ions, metastable neutrals, fast electrons, etc.), which can lead to high-energy physical or chemical processes to fragment and ionize molecules. This fragmentation can be so extensive that molecules are broken down into bare elemental constituents. In addition, low-energy ionization reactions can also occur due to the abundance of collisional cooling that can take place at ambient pressures. For instance, the helium-based flowing atmospheric-pressure afterglow (FAPA) source has been shown to produce intact molecular ions of molecular species with quite high ionization efficiencies.

This presentation will demonstrate the broad utility and range of applications of low-power AP glow discharges, specifically the FAPA discharge, and the solution-cathode glow discharge (SCGD). The possibilities of these devices extend well beyond conventional atomic and small molecule detection. By tuning the chemistry of the discharge, we can alter conventional ionization modes to encompass elemental analysis to biomolecular detection to polymer analysis. For instance, our group has developed a method to detect elemental ions with FAPA-MS via online complexation reactions with volatile ligands. But, the open-air nature of FAPA can produce isobaric interferences from ambient species. To overcome this issue, differential mobility spectrometry was used as a post-ionization filter to remove background ions. Ultimately, FAPA-DMS may dramatically improve selectivity and sensitivity in fieldable MS applications. Meanwhile, it was found that SCGD-MS could be used for the detection of atomic, molecular, and biological species directly from solutions. Furthermore, it was found that peptides could be tunably fragmented at atmospheric pressure, which led to 100% sequence coverage for many of the peptides examined.