AVS 66th International Symposium & Exhibition
    MEMS and NEMS Group Tuesday Sessions
       Session MN-TuM

Paper MN-TuM5
Ion-Conducting Materials and Devices for Cold Atom Microsystems

Tuesday, October 22, 2019, 9:20 am, Room A210

Session: MEMS, BioMEMS, and MEMS for Energy: Processes, Materials, and Devices II
Presenter: Christopher Roper, HRL Laboratories, LLC
Authors: C.S. Roper, HRL Laboratories, LLC
S. Kang, NIST
R.P. Mott, HRL Laboratories, LLC
A.V. Mis, HRL Laboratories, LLC
E.A. Donley, NIST
J. Kitching, NIST
Correspondent: Click to Email

Atomic instruments using laser-cooled atoms in ultra-high vacuum enable highly precise measurements of time, acceleration, and rotation [1]. Use of such devices outside the laboratory requires control of the atomic vapor density to prevent warm atoms from prematurely disturbing the cold atoms prior to measurement. Portable, miniature cold atom devices require a low-power, scalable method for controlling atomic vapor density.

Recently, solid-state electrochemical devices based on the solid electrolyte beta”-alumina have been used to change Rb vapor density on the scale of first 100s [2] and then 10s [3] of seconds. Reduction in vapor density up to 7X has been reported. Furthermore, these devices have been used to stabilize Rb vapor density using a feedback loop [4].

We present a solid-state electrochemical device consisting of a fine Pt grid top-electrode with submicron lithographically patterned features, beta”-alumina solid electrolyte, patterned Pt bottom electrode, and graphite reservoir. For relatively slow actuation cycle frequencies (17 mHz), this device exhibits a 100X increase in Rb vapor density with -30 V sourcing voltage and 20X decrease in the Rb vapor density with +30V sinking voltage. Rb vapor density can be modulated at up to 50 Hz, although at lower Rb vapor density dynamic range. An inverse relationship is found between Rb vapor density dynamic range and actuation cycle frequency. The high vapor density dynamic range and fast cycling rates demonstrated with this device are attributed to the fine, submicron top electrode features compared to coarse top electrode features (>100 µm) used in prior works. These devices are expected to be key components in future cold atom microsystems.

[1] J. Kitching, et al., IEEE Sensors J 11 (9), 1749 (2011).

[2] J. Bernstein, et al., Hilton Head 2016, pp. 180‐184.

[3] S. Kang et al., Applied Physics Letters 110, 244101 (2017).

[4] S. Kang et al., Optics Express 26 (3) pp. 3696-3701 (2018).

This material is based upon work supported by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) and Space and Naval Warfare Systems Center Pacific (SSC Pacific) under Contract No. N66001-15-C-4027. Any opinions, findings and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of DARPA or SSC Pacific.

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