AVS 65th International Symposium & Exhibition
    Vacuum Technology Division Tuesday Sessions
       Session VT-TuP

Paper VT-TuP4
Vacuum System of the SuperKEKB Main Ring in the Phase - 2 Commissioning

Tuesday, October 23, 2018, 6:30 pm, Room Hall B

Session: Vacuum Technology Division - Poster Session
Presenter: Yusuke Suetsugu, KEK, Japan
Authors: Y. Suetsugu, KEK, Japan
K. Shibata, KEK, Japan
T. Ishibashi, KEK, Japan
M. Shirai, KEK, Japan
S. Terui, KEK, Japan
K. Kanazawa, KEK, Japan
H. Hisamatsu, KEK, Japan
Correspondent: Click to Email

The SuperKEKB is an electron-positron collider with asymmetric energies in KEK aiming a high luminosity of 8×1035 cm-2 s-1. The main ring (MR) consists of two rings, that is, a positron ring with an energy of 4 GeV (Low Energy Ring, LER) and an electron ring with 7 GeV (High Energy Ring, HER). Both rings have the same circumference of 3016 m. In the Phase-1 commissioning from February to June 2016, the vacuum system of the MR worked well as a whole at stored beam currents of approximately 1 A. However, several problems were found, and various countermeasures were taken against these during a long shutdown period before starting the Phase-2 commissioning. For example, permanent magnets were placed around the beam pipes to suppress the electron cloud effect (ECE) in the LER. Other than these works, new beam pipes and components were installed in the main ring, such as six beam collimators required for reducing the background noise of the particle detector. The Phase-2 commissioning of the MR started in March and will be continued until July 2018. By the end of April, the total beam dose (integrated beam currents) are approximately 52 Ah and 57 Ah, and the maximum beam currents are 0.32 A and 0.26 A for the LER and HER, respectively. The pressures recovered soon after starting the commissioning to the level at the final stage of Phase-1 commissioning, and further decreased steadily. The pressure rise normalized by a unit beam current are approximately 1×10-6 Pa A-1 and 2×10-7 Pa A-1 for the LER and HER, respectively. The beam lifetime of the HER is approximately 500 min. at 0.22 A, and is almost determined by vacuum pressure. On the other hand, that of the LER, approximately 90 min. at 0.3 A, seems to be mainly limited by the Touschek effect rather than the vacuum pressure. The results of various countermeasures taken in the shutdown period and the effect of permanent magnets or solenoids against the ECE will be investigated soon. The performances of the new vacuum components will be also checked at higher beam currents. Reported here will be the status and the major results of the vacuum system of the MR during the Phase-2 commissioning, and problems for the next Phase-3 commissioning.