AVS 65th International Symposium & Exhibition
    Surface Science Division Friday Sessions
       Session SS+AS+HC-FrM

Paper SS+AS+HC-FrM6
Recent Development in XPS and Ambient Pressure XPS Techniques

Friday, October 26, 2018, 10:00 am, Room 203C

Session: Near/Ambient Pressure and Bridging Gaps between Surface Science and Catalysis
Presenter: Lukasz Walczak, PREVAC sp. z o.o., Poland
Correspondent: Click to Email

Many important processes such as energy conversion, electrochemical, corrosion and biological processes take place at solid-gas and solid-liquid interfaces [1-3]. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) is the most powerful technique for understanding of these processes at the atomic level and it is the key to improving the performance of novel battery generation or renewable energy sources such as solar, wind or hydropower energy conversion devices. We would like to promote the latest equipment, technology solutions and innovations for the photoelectron spectroscopies field. Here it will be presented an innovative and compact spectrometers for the routine X-ray photoemission spectroscopy and ambient pressurephotoemission spectroscopy for study of important phenomena in the current research. The design, construction, and technical parameters of new analyser will be presented. We will report the research results of XPS measurements conducted on the photovoltaic [4], catalytical [5] or bio-materials. Moreover, it will be demonstrated the analyser operation in ambient pressure. Also the results of interaction of oxygen and surface alloy will be presented, in order to permit complete characterization for the different pressure and temperature conditions.


[1] B. Lassalle-Kaisera et al . J. Electron Spectrosc. Relat. Phenom. 221, 18-27 (2017).

[2] Y. Takagi et al. Phys.Chem.Chem.Phys. 19, 6013 (2017).

[3] Z. Y. Ong el. al, Appl. Mater. Interfaces 9, 39259–39270 (2017)

[4] L. K. Preethi el al. Energy Technol., 5, 1-10 (2017)

[5] Urszula Filek el. al, Appl. Catal. A – submitted