AVS 65th International Symposium & Exhibition
    Surface Science Division Friday Sessions
       Session SS+AS+HC-FrM

Paper SS+AS+HC-FrM3
In-operando Investigation of the Initial Oxidation Stages for NiCr-(W) Alloys with X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy

Friday, October 26, 2018, 9:00 am, Room 203C

Session: Near/Ambient Pressure and Bridging Gaps between Surface Science and Catalysis
Presenter: Cameron Volders, University of Virginia
Authors: C. Volders, University of Virginia
V. Angelici Avincola, University of Virginia
P. Reinke, University of Virginia
Correspondent: Click to Email

Ni-Cr alloys are of technical interest as they exhibit superior corrosion resistance due to the formation of a passive chromia film which helps protect the underlying alloy from degradation, and limits catastrophic events such as pitting and crevice corrosion. A wide range of Ni-Cr alloys have been developed to satisfy industrial needs and the properties for each alloy differ slightly based on its application. The properties are controlled by manipulating Cr content as well as adding minor alloying elements such as Mo or W, which have been shown to enhance corrosion resistance. The ideal composition for these alloys has been optimized over many decades but the mechanistic understanding of the role of Mo or W additions is not fully developed.

The current work presents an in-operando ambient pressure – X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (AP-XPS) study which investigated the early stages of oxidation for four alloy concentrations; (1) Ni-5% Cr, (2) Ni-15% Cr, (3) Ni-30% Cr, and (4) Ni-15% Cr-6% W by weight percent between 573 and 773 K and p(O2)< 0.1mbar. The primary objectives were to elucidate how varying Cr content in the alloys and the addition of W impacts the nucleation and growth of different oxide phases. The modulation of alloy and oxide composition and bonding was observed over an extended time period delivering a detailed view of the reaction pathways.

A key result from this work is the Cr surface segregation in the alloys prior to oxidation, which contributes to the rapid nucleation of Cr-oxides in the first reaction step with O2. The surface enrichment of Cr influences the initial nucleation of the different oxide species and prejudices the progression of oxide growth. The main portion of this work will focus on the time evolution of the different oxide phases and the kinetics of Ni-oxide and Cr-oxide formation for all alloys, which allows to build a detailed model of the reaction. An additional component accounts for a substantial portion of the oxide signal, and is interpreted as the combination of spinel and non-stoichiometric oxide. The addition of W in the alloy resulted in a near complete suppression in the formation of Ni oxide species, and different models to interpret the impact of W on the progression of the oxidation reaction will be discussed.