AVS 65th International Symposium & Exhibition
    Nanometer-scale Science and Technology Division Monday Sessions
       Session NS+2D+AS+PC-MoA

Invited Paper NS+2D+AS+PC-MoA5
Scanning Probe Microscopy Based Spectroscopy Measurement for Nanoscale Chemical Identification

Monday, October 22, 2018, 2:40 pm, Room 102B

Session: SPM - New Imaging and Spectroscopy Methodologies
Presenter: Chanmin Su, Bruker-Nano, Inc.
Correspondent: Click to Email

Scanning probe microscopy has been instrumental for physical property characterizations at the nanometer scale, primarily for mechanical, electromagnetic and thermal properties. Recent progresses were focused on chemical identification based on mid-IR spectroscopy, pushing FTIR mapping to a resolution at or beyond 10 nm. This presentation will review technology advances in both scanning near field optical microscopy and photothermal based IR spectroscopy. Each of the techniques is discussed and benchmarked by detection limit, spatial resolution and signal to noise ratio, which ultimately determines the chemical mapping efficiencies. We will highlight techniques that address correlative imaging where physical and chemical properties at the same nanoscale location being acquired either concurrently or sequentially. As an example, PeakForce tapping based chemical and physical measurements will be explained in detail with the applications ranging from 2D materials to polymer complexes. The presentation will also highlight major challenges for scanning probe based measurements to be broadly adopted as the premier tool for nanoscale chemical fingerprint mapping.