AVS 65th International Symposium & Exhibition
    Nanometer-scale Science and Technology Division Monday Sessions
       Session NS+2D+AS+PC-MoA

Invited Paper NS+2D+AS+PC-MoA1
A Connection Between Stability of STM Control System and Local Barrier Height: Implications on Imaging and Lithography

Monday, October 22, 2018, 1:20 pm, Room 102B

Session: SPM - New Imaging and Spectroscopy Methodologies
Presenter: S.O. Reza Moheimani, University of Texas at Dallas
Correspondent: Click to Email

Poor performance of the Scanning Tunneling Microscope (STM) control system may result in tip-sample crash, a prevalent failure in STMs. Since its invention, about thirty-five years ago, few attempts have been made to improve the STM control system. Consequently, nearly all STMs are today operated with experimentally selected fixed-gain PI controllers. Selection of controller gains is often done without much attention to the electromechanical dynamics of the scanning tunneling microscope. Performance of such poorly-tuned controllers is limited and a key contributor to the tip-sample crash.

We perform closed loop system identification on a scanning tunneling microscope and show that the system DC gain is proportional to the square root of Local Barrier Height (LBH), a quantum mechanical property of the sample and/or tip that affects the tunneling current. We demonstrate that during a scan the LBH may undergo significant variations and thus it may adversely affect the closed-loop stability if the controller parameters are fixed. Feedback instabilities increase the risk of tip-sample crash in STMs.

In order to improve the closed loop performance, we estimate the LBH, on the fly, and use this information to adaptively tune the PI controller parameters. Experimental results obtained with the self-tuning PI controller confirm the improved STM performance compared to the conventional fixed gain PI controller. Further experiments confirm effectiveness of the proposed method in extending the tip lifetime by lowering the chance of the tip/sample crash.