AVS 65th International Symposium & Exhibition
    Applied Surface Science Division Monday Sessions
       Session AS-MoA

Paper AS-MoA2
In-situ Complementary XPS and Raman Analysis of Technologically Important Materials

Monday, October 22, 2018, 1:40 pm, Room 204

Session: Multitechnique Applications-When More techniques are Better than One
Presenter: Paul Mack, Thermo Fisher Scientific, UK
Correspondent: Click to Email

In this work, X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS) and Raman spectroscopy have been used to analyse technologically relevant materials. An XPS spectrometer (Thermo Scientific Nexsa) was configured with a Raman spectrometer, enabling in-situ complementary analysis. XPS is a surface sensitive technique, with an information depth between 0-10nm. It is chemically selective, allowing the use to investigate different bonding states of the same element. Raman is a vibrational spectroscopy, which is more bulk sensitive (typically on the μm scale). It can also give some information about chemistry, but it also yields complementary structural or bonding information.

The battery-relevant material, lithium cobaltite (LiCoO2) was analysed in the Nexsa spectrometer. LiCoO2 is used in the cathode of some lithium-ion batteries. During charge/discharge cycling the cathode may degrade, causing the creation of the mixed oxide, Co3O4. XPS and Raman data were acquired from two different points on a LiCoO2 cathode. Differences in cobalt and lithium bonding states at the surfaces of the two different points were analysed with XPS, before and after argon ion cleaning. Complementary Raman analyses were performed at the same points in the same instrument. The Raman data allowed identification of the bulk material, together with an evaluation of cobalt oxide degradation products.

The second sample analysed in this work was a boron nitride film deposited onto a copper substrate. The goal of the deposition was to create an atomically thin hexagonal boron nitride structure (h-BN), analogous to graphene. It was found that the deposition created an inhomogeneous distribution of boron nitride, which was optically invisible. XPS mapping and imaging (Thermo Scientific SnapMap) was used to locate the boron nitride on the copper substrate. The XPS image was used to define the analysis points for further XPS and Raman analysis. XPS allowed the chemical bonding states of the boron and nitrogen to be identified, together with an identification of contaminants on the surface. The structure of the boron nitride, such an sp2 and sp3 configurations, was evaluated with Raman spectroscopy.