AVS 62nd International Symposium & Exhibition
    Applied Surface Science Tuesday Sessions

Session AS+BI-TuA
Challenges in the Characterization of Polymer/Organic/ Biological Systems

Tuesday, October 20, 2015, 2:20 pm, Room 212D
Moderators: Bonnie Tyler, National Physical Laboratory (NPL), Jeffrey Fenton, Medtronic plc

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Click a paper to see the details. Presenters are shown in bold type.

2:20pm AS+BI-TuA1 Invited Paper
ASSD 30th Anniversary Lecture: 30 Years (ToF-)SIMS of Organic Materials: from Monolayer to 3D Microarea Analysis
Birgit Hagenhoff, Tascon GmbH, Germany
3:00pm AS+BI-TuA3
Characterization of the Buried Interface between a Bacterial-Biofilm Resistant Coating and a Silicon Catheter by using Gas Cluster ToF-SIMS and Raman Microscopy
Bonnie Tyler, National Physical Laboratory (NPL), UK, A.L. Hook, M.R. Alexander, University of Nottingham, UK, A. Giovannozzi, INRIM, A. Pelster, H.F. Arlinghaus, University of Muenster, Germany
3:20pm AS+BI-TuA4
How to Measure Reaction Rates on Surfaces?: Ambient Mass Spectrometry and XPS to Study the Rate of Organic Reactions on Functionalized Surfaces.
R. Sen, J. Escorihuela, Han Zuilhof, Wageningen University, Netherlands
4:20pm AS+BI-TuA7
Surface versus Bulk Chemistry of Reverse Osmosis Membranes
Tamlin Matthews, R. Cieslinski, M. Paul, A. Roy, The Dow Chemical Company
4:40pm AS+BI-TuA8
Effect of Deep UV Irradiation on Polyester Family Polymers
Lopamudra Das, M.J. Kelley, College of William and Mary
5:00pm AS+BI-TuA9 Invited Paper
Going beyond State of the Art in SIMS Imaging in the Life-Sciences and for Organic Devices
Ian Gilmore, National Physical Laboratory, UK
5:40pm AS+BI-TuA11
Can In Situ Liquid SIMS Provide Enough Signals for Biology and Environmental Research?
Zihua Zhu, Y. Zhou, X. Hua, J. Yu, J.E. Evans, D. Lao, X.-Y. Yu, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
6:00pm AS+BI-TuA12
Fundamental Metrology for Tissue Imaging by SIMS - A Study of Cholesterol and Determination of the Argon Cluster Sputtering Yield
P.D. Rakowska, M.P. Seah, Rasmus Havelund, I.S. Gilmore, National Physical Laboratory, UK