AVS 62nd International Symposium & Exhibition
    Applied Surface Science Tuesday Sessions
       Session AS+BI-TuA

Invited Paper AS+BI-TuA1
ASSD 30th Anniversary Lecture: 30 Years (ToF-)SIMS of Organic Materials: from Monolayer to 3D Microarea Analysis

Tuesday, October 20, 2015, 2:20 pm, Room 212D

Session: Challenges in the Characterization of Polymer/Organic/ Biological Systems
Presenter: Birgit Hagenhoff, Tascon GmbH, Germany
Correspondent: Click to Email

The presentation will follow the development track and the learning curve of (ToF)-SIMS for the characterization of organic materials.

Starting in the early 70s of the last century, when Alfred Benninghoven, based on research results for Ag catalyst samples, started into what would later become the wide-spread field of Static SIMS, the talk will cover the following areas

· Static SIMS: early beginnings

· Static SIMS: the importance of noble metal substrates

· Static SIMS: from quadrupoles to Time-of-Flight Analyzers

· Charge compensation: the gateway to bulk analysis

· Organic Imaging: limits of lateral resolution

· Cluster ion guns: getting sub-µm using Au and Bi LMIGs

· The road to organic depth profiling: SF5+ and C60+ sputtering

· Organic depth profiling: the use of Ar cluster ion sputtering

· 3D Microarea Analysis: Status-quo and challenges for the future