AVS 62nd International Symposium & Exhibition
    Scanning Probe Microscopy Focus Topic Wednesday Sessions
       Session SP+AS+NS+SS-WeM

Paper SP+AS+NS+SS-WeM5
Nanoscale Capacitance-Voltage (C-V) Curves: Using Scanning Microwave Impedance Microscopy (sMIM) to Characterize Local Electrical Properties of Linear and Non-Linear Materials

Wednesday, October 21, 2015, 9:20 am, Room 212A

Session: Advances in Scanning Probe Microscopy
Presenter: Stuart Friedman, PrimeNano, Inc.
Authors: S.L. Friedman, PrimeNano, Inc.
Y. Yang, PrimeNano, Inc.
O. Amster, PrimeNano, Inc.
Correspondent: Click to Email

Understanding and optimizing advanced materials frequently requires detailed knowledge of nanoscale electrical properties. Scanning probe techniques such as scanning tunneling microscopy (STM), conductive AFM (cAFM), scanning capacitance microscopy (SCM), and Kelvin probe force microscopy (KPFM) provide such nano-electrical measurements, but are generally limited in the classes of materials they can characterize or the properties they can measure. Scanning microwave impedance microscopy (sMIM) uses GHz frequency microwaves and shielded AFM probes to directly measure the impedance (capacitance and conductance) of the tip sample interface. As such sMIM is sensitive to the permittivity and conductivity of a wide variety of samples including dielectrics, conductors, and semiconductors.

When sMIM is applied to non-linear materials, changing the tip sample bias changes the local electric field thereby changing the local electrical properties of the sample just under the AFM tip. The electric field induced changes in the sample create changes in the tip-sample impedance that can be measured by sMIM. For example, when imaging doped semiconductor samples, the tip sample interface forms either a metal-semiconductor junction or a metal-insulator-semiconductor junction. Plotting the sMIM measured capacitance as a function of the tip sample bias voltage produces the equivalent of a typical capacitance-voltage curve, but from nanoscale regions selected from an AFM image. C vs V results from doped silicon samples that closely match theoretical calculations will be discussed. The talk will also present results from advanced and novel materials and devices, such as III-V semiconductors, 2D materials and 1D structures where sMIM data has been used to assess non-linear behavior and characterize dopant type and distribution.