AVS 62nd International Symposium & Exhibition
    Applied Surface Science Monday Sessions
       Session AS-MoM

Paper AS-MoM2
The Satellites of the 2p Core Level of Transition-Metals

Monday, October 19, 2015, 8:40 am, Room 212D

Session: Quantitative Surface Analysis: Obtaining Quantitative Information in the Face of Material Complexity and Morphology Influences
Presenter: Alberto Herrera-Gomez, CINVESTAV-Queretaro, Mexico
Correspondent: Click to Email

The shake-up satellites in XPS spectra are due to intrinsic energy losses as the photoelectron leaves the hosting atom. The first row transition metals, either in the metallic or in the oxide form (and sometimes in both), display clear shake-up features in the corresponding 2p core level. They are difficult to quantify because the shape of the main 2p peaks of these elements are highly asymmetric and the spectra contains a large background contribution. In fact, there is a frequent correlation between the presence of satellites and a large background intensity and, also, a large peak shape asymmetry. Through newly developed procedures it has been possible to properly fit all these core levels. In addition to those already described in the literature, the procedures allowed for pinpointing previously unreported shake-up satellites. A common feature of the satellites is that their spin-orbit splitting exhibits a remarkable difference with the associated to the main peak, suggesting angular-dependent correlation effects.