AVS 60th International Symposium and Exhibition
    Electronic Materials and Processing Wednesday Sessions
       Session EM+AS+NS+SS-WeA

Invited Paper EM+AS+NS+SS-WeA1
New Directions in GaN Material Research: Thinner and Smaller

Wednesday, October 30, 2013, 2:00 pm, Room 102 A

Session: Semiconductor Heterostructures/Heusler Alloys
Presenter: J. Han, Yale University
Correspondent: Click to Email

The past two decades have witnessed phenomenal progress in optoelectronic display and illumination devices enabled by AlGaInN (III-N). As the technology of conventional devices enters commercial maturity, innovation is called for continual advances in device applications.

In this talk we will discuss the possibility of extending III-N devices in the directions of flexible and large-area applications. Our recent work in using electrochemical etching to achieve layer slicing will be presented with preliminary device demonstrations. We envision new possibilities in the manufacture of ultrathin and flexible GaN devices. To circumvent the difficulty in the growth of GaN on silicon, we investigated the concept of evolutionary growth combining modern fabrication techniques with epitaxy to provide new freedoms in tackling this grand challenge. The result of preparing high quality GaN on SiO2 will be reported.