AVS 59th Annual International Symposium and Exhibition
    Vacuum Technology Monday Sessions
       Session VT-MoM

Paper VT-MoM6
Beyond Mercury Manometers: Are Optically-Based Primary Standards for Realization of the Pascal Within Reach?

Monday, October 29, 2012, 10:00 am, Room 14

Session: Vacuum Gauging and Metrology
Presenter: J.H. Hendricks, National Institute of Standards and Technology
Authors: J.H. Hendricks, National Institute of Standards and Technology
J.A. Stone, National Institute of Standards and Technology
G.F. Strouse, National Institute of Standards and Technology
D.A. Olson, National Institute of Standards and Technology
J.E. Ricker, National Institute of Standards and Technology
Correspondent: Click to Email

We propose to fundamentally change the method for realizing and disseminating the SI unit of pressure and vacuum, the pascal. The underlying metrology behind this advance is the ultra-accurate determination of the refractive index of gases by picometer optical interferometry. For the pascal an optical-based primary pressure standard will improve accuracy and allow the complete replacement of all mercury-based pressure standards. Pressure and vacuum standards based on refractive index could significantly reduce measurement uncertainties with the added advantage of eliminating the need for mercury manometers, which are expensive to operate and have environmental and health hazards. Mercury manometers currently serve as primary standards at 11 National Metrology Institutes (including NIST and PTB). Developing an optical-based pressure standard is central to the NIST measurement science mission, as it will improve NIST realization and dissemination of an important SI unit and will provide a needed improvement in accuracy (3X to 10X) across many industrial sectors (e.g. aerospace, energy, and advanced manufacturing) and benefit other government agencies (e.g. DoD, FAA, NASA, DARPA, and the EPA). The primary goal of the research is to develop a laser-based, SI-traceable pressure standard (1.5 ppm, k=1) along with a transportable version that can be deployed to industry covering a range of 1 Pa (vacuum) to 400 kPa (4 atmospheres pressure). The two instruments that will be developed are referred to as a variable-length optical cavity (VLOC) and a fixed-length optical cavity (FLOC). When either instrument is used as a pressure standard it is referred to as an optical interferometer manometer (OIM). The primary technical challenge involves building an apparatus to generate and precisely measure equal displacements of Fabry-Perot interferometer mirrors in vacuum and in a helium environment to picometer accuracy, thus determining refractive index in a manner that allows absolute measurement of pressure or temperature if one of these two quantities is known. More specifically, the refractive index, n, as measured by the VLOC, is intrinsically related to density such that n-1 depends on P/T, where P is the pressure and T is the temperature. The current state of primary mercury manometers in use at NIST will be discussed along with technical challenges of developing an optical based primary standard.