AVS 59th Annual International Symposium and Exhibition
    Vacuum Technology Monday Sessions
       Session VT-MoM

Paper VT-MoM10
Non-Destructive Gas Pressure Measurements Inside Sealed Vacuum Devices

Monday, October 29, 2012, 11:20 am, Room 14

Session: Vacuum Gauging and Metrology
Presenter: R.S. Goeke, Sandia National Laboratories
Authors: R.S. Goeke, Sandia National Laboratories
T.P. Hughes, Sandia National Laboratories
Correspondent: Click to Email

Measuring the pressure inside sealed vacuum devices is a difficult proposition that typically requires destructive analysis. While commercial vacuum pressure gauges can be applied to large vacuum envelopes, the gauge's large volume and mass make them impractical for the small volumes of many vacuum devices. Incorporation of smaller volume pressure gauges such as the spinning rotor gauge or capacitance manometers can interfere with the device functionality. Measurements on these small vacuum devices can be done by a destructive technique where the device is punctured inside a calibrated ultra-high vacuum (UHV) vessel. With this technique the tube pressure is calculated from the changes in pressure of the UHV chamber and ratio of the chamber volume to tube volume. We have developed a non-destructive method by which the pressure inside high vacuum devices can be characterized without modifying or damaging the vacuum envelope. The approach transforms the existing vacuum device into a Penning or Redhead style ion gauge. We take advantage of the device features such as existing electrodes and high voltage standoff capability. By creating optimized crossed electrical and external magnetic fields around the vacuum envelope, we can generate a self-sustained Townsend discharge current which can be directly related to pressure. This technique is similar to the cold cathode gauge first developed by Penning, which was later modified by Redhead into the inverted magnetron gauge. In a typical cold cathode gauge the electrodes are a cylindrical design, with coaxial symmetry, which enables application of a uniform cross magnetic field. In many vacuum devices this coaxial electrode symmetry is not available. We overcome this obstacle by applying a ring-shaped magnetron magnet to the cathode electrode of a sealed vacuum device. In this arrangement the magnetic fields are not uniform, but the electron paths can still be significantly increased and even trapped resulting in enough ionization for a sustained discharge. The experimental technique to measure the time dependent pressure inside sealed vacuum devices non-destructively will be discussed. The novel concept of this technique is that we use the existing vacuum device as its own measurement gauge, with only the application of external fields and instrumentation. We have experimentally demonstrated a measurement range of 10-6 to 10-2 torr. A computer model of electron paths with some simple electrode geometries has been developed from which basic design guidelines can be derived. The model uses the Aleph finite-element particle-in-cell code developed at Sandia National Laboratories.
Sandia National Laboratories is a multi-program laboratory managed and operated by Sandia Corporation, a wholly owned subsidiary of Lockheed Martin Corporation, for the U.S. Department of Energy's National Nuclear Security Administration under contract DE-AC04-94AL85000