AVS 59th Annual International Symposium and Exhibition
    Nanometer-scale Science and Technology Monday Sessions
       Session NS+SP-MoA

Paper NS+SP-MoA4
Laser Assisted Electron Beam Induced Deposition of Platinum

Monday, October 29, 2012, 3:00 pm, Room 12

Session: Nanopatterning and Nanolithography
Presenter: P.D. Rack, University of Tennessee Knoxville
Authors: N.A. Roberts, University of Tennessee Knoxville
J.D. Fowlkes, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
G.A. Magel, Omniprobe, Inc. an Oxford Instruments Company
T.M. Moore, Omniprobe, Inc. an Oxford Instruments Company
P.D. Rack, University of Tennessee Knoxville
Correspondent: Click to Email

We introduce a laser assisted electron beam induced deposition (LAEBID) process which is a nanoscale direct write method that implements a synchronized electron beam induced deposition (EBID) process with a pulsed laser step for thermal desorption of the reaction by-product. The pseudo-localized (~ 100 mm spot), pulsed laser enables thermal desorption of the reaction by-product without the issues associated with bulk substrate heating, which shortens the precursor residence time and distort pattern fidelity due to thermal drift. Current results show a significant purification of platinum deposits (~35% Pt) with the addition of synchronized laser pulses as well as a significant reduction in deposit resistivity. Measured resistivity from platinum LAEBID structures (1.2x104 mW-cm) are more than 3 orders of magnitude lower than standard EBID platinum structures (2.2x107 mW-cm) from the same precursor and are lower than the lowest reported EBID platinum resistivity with post-deposition annealing (1.4x104 mW-cm).